The high increase in clothes, bags, and shoes with numerous fake brand designs in Nigeria is an alarming issue. If I had the power and ability, this is the first thing I would consider eliminating. With the little knowledge I have about economic growth, different industries influence a country's economic growth.
Let me try to explain further. These top brands invest significant sums in research design, and feasibility studies, putting much effort into craftsmanship and providing job opportunities. In contrast, these counterfeit producers often consist of only 2 to 5 individuals who create replicas of existing products.
The duty and difficulty in differentiating authentic products from fake ones poses a significant challenge, especially for consumers like me who are not very good at identifying quality items and authentic company logos. When the market is flooded with counterfeit fashion designs, it adversely affects the original brands, often leading to the closure of branches in that country, which fails to make any positive economic impact.
In this country, the issue of selling fake products is pervasive and gets to all types of products. I recall one day when I went to the market to purchase a handbag. The vendor presented a beautiful leather bag with a well known brand "XYL" design. It looked exquisite, and the fact that I was getting it for 4500 Naira made me believe it would last, as most bags in that price range are of good quality.
The counterfeit of Yves Saint Laurent (XYL) brand
To my surprise, It wasn't up to a month I noticed the leather peeling off just a few Sundays after using it to go to church. I regretted spending my money on that bag because it felt like a waste. My only salvation was that the bag was entirely black, so I had to find a solution. I knew that regular shoe polish wouldn't suffice due to the peeling.
My only option was to resort to black nail polish, and surprisingly, it worked like magic. This experience shocked me because the bag wasn't or even had any sign of peel in the vendor's hands. It's bewildering how counterfeit products manage to imitate the real ones so convincingly.
Different parts of the bag peeling off
Taking off these fake products from the market would greatly contribute to promoting quality standards within the fashion industry. I'm not very sure whether there isn't an agency overseeing this issue or if there is, whether it's functional. I know we have for drugs and foods but fashion is what I'm not certain of. The extent to which local artisans produce fake brand designs with copied logos and trademarks without permission is not only illegal but also undermines genuine creativity.
We have many talented designers in our countries, many of these talented designers would have the ground to showcase their creativity, leading them to challenge themselves in producing quality designs with their own logo, designs and trademarks, which is one way of preserving cultural heritage and intellectual property rights. Therefore, it's important to wear off counterfeit fashion products, which is also another way to protect consumers and the legitimate fashion industry.
I AM @marynn,