My Theory Of Happiness

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Here's what I think of happiness as;
Happiness to me is that fleeting but precious feeling. It's like that gentle breeze that brushes softly against your face while you ride a bike on a sunny day.

It's that emotion we definitely can't do without because,there this sense of contentment it gives, this joy it gives even in the simplest moments of our life. It's found in the littlest things.

Many peoples expression of their happiness is different likewise where or what we find happiness in. For me, they're are three things that bring me so much happiness. Three things that can put a smile on my face on a day that didn't end well for me. Three things that make me realise that there is so much more to live for in this life. Three things that cover my definition of happiness.

My true happiness is found in the quality bonding time I share with those closest to me, especially my family. It's in their warm and loving embrace, it's in the laughter in their voice, that love in their eyes. It's these beautiful moments that I find my deepest sense of fulfilment .

My true happiness is also found in a bowl of good food. Right from when the aroma is emanating from the kitchen, filling the whole house with that food love. To when it's served on a plate and ready to be devoured. Believe me when I say there's happiness in a plate of good food. Sometimes you're not just depressed, you just lack good food in your life. Because tell me who will taste a plate of well cooked and garnished egusi soup and still feel depressed.

My true happiness can also be that good, lyrically blessed music. That bass sound from the speakers, a sonorous voice. I don't know what I mean when I say 'music is life'. But deep down I know that music has been something that keeps me happy on sad days. It's been my companion on lonely days.

Let me give you a clear picture of my true happy day:

Now picture a cool and serene Sunday or maybe Christmas day afternoon, while the sun's gently caresses the earth in a warm, golden glow and the cool breeze blowing.
Then from deep within the four walls of the house laughter, with a nice tune emanates from the house.

And maybe everyone is gathered around the table, and a good bowl of food steaming out with a good aroma is positioned on the table. The air is filled with the irresistible scent of a home-cooked meal.

I don't know about you but there is no other beautiful definition of a happy day for me than that.

Family + Good food + Music.

These are what gives me happiness. These are capable of making me live long. These are the definitions of what a happy life is for me.

That smile on my mother and fathers face, the contagious laughter and loving banters amongst my siblings. That's happiness for me.

Maybe I didn't include money, not that I don't get happy when I get alert or when I'm making money. But I feel that's the reason the world is in chaos, that's the reason for the depressed persons in the world. The quest for money has made us not appreciate other beautiful things around us.

Till I come your way next time. Thank you for reading

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