My Pet Peeves

Picture edited by me using Canva.

Ofcourse we all know pet peeves to be something that others do that bugs us or makes our skin crawl even though to others it might not be a big deal.

Anyways what's good for the goose might definitely not be good for the gander. So what pet peeves me might be different from another person.

For me, I have a whole list of things that irritate people. To be honest , I get pet peeves at the littlest thing. But for this prompt I'll just talk about a few of them.

So the first one happens to be farting.
Ofcourse everyone farts. Yes, you reading this no matter how beautiful you are you can't deny that you don't fart. Maybe you even released one today. But this is me being honest, releasing those backside trumpets uncontrollably especially in public and at will not minding who's there with you irks me.

Especially when it's those silent ones with offensive odour that you've just got to hold your breath till it dissipate. It disorganises me and makes me lose focus on whatever I was doing at that moment.

Why not just try to be mindful of others, maybe take a walkout of that place, maybe excuse yourself, just so that you won't force your rancid flatulence gas down others' noses.

So please, if you don't want to get into a possible fight with me don't do it beside me, because I can't punch your tooth out for being so uncultured.

  1. Please, the attitude of clearing your throat continuously without spit out the mucus you've gathered in your throat is another thing.

I just don't want to hear you do that let alone not see you spit it out. I believe that one's someone clears their throat there is bound to be something in your mouth which you should spit out. But when I don't see you do that, I begin to feel irritated that you have swallowed it.

I won't write much on this because just the thought of it is irking me.

  1. Please don't walk past me early In the morning with body odour. I mean it's too early to be smelling already.

What happened to talking night showers, what happened to using a roll on. I thought we were taught in primary school that personal hygiene is the ultimate.

So why stink in the wee hours of the morning. Why clear my thoughts with your stench at that time of the day.

  1. This might sound funny, but please don't call me Sir 😂. Yeah, you heard me right. Don't try it. I repeat don't do it. I will definitely reply to you but you've given me the go ahead not to greet you again.

Look I don't know, I clearly can't explain this particular one but. I've noticed that I get irritated when people call me that. On several occasions I've been told that I'm worth being called sir but, it still doesn't sit right up with me.

I think that'll be all for now. Till I come your way next time.

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