My Buyers Remorse

All my life I was trained never to regret whatever it is I that I purchased with my hard earned money no matter what. My dad always has his philosophies and he'll always say "you saw it, you loved it and wanted it, so why regret it".

He believed that if you wanted something and you can afford it and you go for it then there's no reason for buyers remorse.

Well, for the most part of my life that I started buying things for myself, I've and always tried to live by that advice my father gave me, never to regret anything I bought with my money. And whenever if regret it, I try so hard not to let it bother me for a very long time.

But the bluetooth speaker above was a big exception. And to think that it cost me much to get it but it didn't deliver the audio quality I expected.

Mind you if you've been an ardent follower of mine or you've been opportuned to read some of my posts you'll realise that I am a sucker for music and loud ones at that.
It's one thing that gives me the right inspiration I need, my friend when bored.

So a few months ago, two months to be precise, my old bluetooth speaker box got spoiled. And I've had to suffer those few months without music. Okay, maybe I play with my headset and directly from my phone at times but they don't just give me that joy I get when it's a speaker, woofer, or bluetooth speaker box jamming to my favourite tunes. So It was a terrible two months experience.

So last week, I decided to break that spell and get myself a new bluetooth speaker. I promised myself to go for something affordable yet with a great audio quality.
I spent hours in the mall trying to get a better worth for my money. Some of the shops I entered at some point felt like window shopping.

Not until I saw this bluetooth speaker so smooth and shiny. E dey enter eye. Just as if it was positioned there for me and believe me I never thought buyers remorse could happen to me with this gadget. It's like there's a magic force in stores that makes gadgets seem amazing, convincing you they're of top-notch quality. I remember how everyone at the shop praised its sound, even other customers recommended it.

But, I just can't explain how when I got home with it and I played it. I can swear it sounded completely different.

I genuinely believe there's something strange going on, maybe a spirit of some kind, not just with gadgets but also with barber's mirrors.It's kinda like you're getting fooled into believing they're way better than they really are, you know? Bet some of you can truly relate to what I'm getting at. 😂.

Now here lies a few questions I've asked myself:
Now, am I actually going to resell it?. Already we all know that if I attempt to sell it now, folks will just see it as a used gadget and won't pay a decent price for it. In portables voice "they'll rip me". 😢

Will I use it for long? I hope I get to like it as I use it often, because going by the audio quality I hear I don't think I can use that for a long time. Already, it's been days since I played it last. 🤦

Do I regret buying it? Yes, everytime I turn it on and I hear that awful sand-like sound I do regret buying it.

All pictures are mine.

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