It was hard ,but I choose you...

Hello Everyone

Today we talk about food . What is food for you . For me food is life which is necessary for our living as oxygen. Many people works hard for getting three bites, rich people get the whole plate of scenery.We do alot of things just for our living. If the word is food , then my eyes light up, my stomach starts calling it, my brain starts processing the way of getting it. Can you live without food ? I think i cant, obviously no one. when you starts jumping towards your puberty age your craving for food increases.

Word "favorite"according to me:

For me! The favourite word is food. The dish i like the most is "spaghetti". If i want to describe this dish in words then words of keyboard start shuttering. I think i am cracking you here.XD

So i think you already have seen the photo which i have shown. Any guesses? Oh come on man, it's Spaghetti. My favorite food to eat from day to night, from sun to moon, from earth to Mars, from heaven to hell it will always be My lovely Spaghetti. Aww, my dear spaghetti why you are so delicious? My mouth and taste buds are still craving for you. If i would ever get a chance to marry a food then that will be obviously you. What? Are you amazed? Yes, you and for thousands times "It will be you".
It starts tantalizing my all senses. It resist me to take a bite. So that time i can't control my self . My legs automatically starts jumping towards it, that moment my hands starts working like wings, i feel like I'm flying over the earth, i feel like I'm over the nintb cloud.

Chill on People,
May be you are thinking that i am getting mad in the love of spaghetti. No man, actually this is my fantasy to have spaghetti on daily basis. In real life, i don't get too much chance to consume spaghetti. At home we just eat desi food. Desi food ks a brand of desi families. They would love to eat food with butter , they love pratha and the aroma of desi food will always inspire you. It calls you by their self to eat. You can't resist yourself on eating desi food because it enhance your taste , opens your mind and freshen up your soul.
But no food can compare spaghetti. It always reminds me those days when i used to bring a whole lunch box of spaghetti with me for my friends. They always loved it . Because the love that my mother put in it was unforgettable. They used to do so many compliments on it. And sometimes they used to call me on my mother's number and ask me to bring the ocean of spaghetti for them.

This is entry for #hivenaija weekly prompt. This is my first time i am participating in the contest by hive naija.

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