Becoming A Friend Indeed!

One of the core essence of life is helping others. We live for each other and that's why we are enjoined to love our neighbor same way we love ourselves. Our neighbors are not only the people we share same compound or apartment with or those in our neighborhood, but people who we come in contact with every day of our lives. And one of the ways to show love to them is offering them help in times of need. This is one of the things that humanity preaches.

Just same way that I have been helped when I needed it, I have equally rendered help to others in their times of need. Some actually sought for the help, while for others I found out by chance or while talking with them. One of such cases is what I will be sharing with you.

I had visited a friend's friend at a hospital in Uyo, and while there, the doctor came for routine check. After his check the guy introduced us and after exchanging pleasantries, he just said to me "be my friend". I was like "huh, just like that? Without even finding out if I'm married or not". Smiling he said, "Well, If you are married then I will be your spouse's friend and family doctor too, I know you won't say no to that". I just had a good laugh, which he and the guy I visited joined in too.

After the laugh, he continued "now that I've made you laugh, what do you say?" I saw that he wasn't going to give up, moreover having a doctor family friend wouldn't be a bad idea so I just stretched out my hands to him, saying "friends". Hefollowed the gesture and we shook hands, chorusing "friends".

And that was how I and Dr W. became friends.
From our talks, I found out that he was new in town, just a month, and was still trying to adapt to the environment. He hoped for something serious but I was already in a relationship. Moreover I was no longer residing in Uyo. He felt sad with the news but nothing could be done about it.

Two weeks after I met him, I went back to my base. We kept in touch via chats and phone calls. One Friday evening, that was two months after I met him, I had called him to know how he was faring but his voice wasn't so pleasant. I thought maybe it was due to the stress of the work so I asked him to rest but he told me he was stranded, that the friend whom he was staying with locked him out. I was like, "how, what do you mean locked you out? ". He then said that he got home and found everywhere locked. He asked the security if the friend dropped the keys with him but he said no. He then called the friend to know his whereabouts but got the shocker of his life, the friend traveled to spend the weekend at Ibeno and was to return on Sunday, without letting him know.

I was also shocked because his friend didn't strike me as one who would do that but you know, humans change. When I asked his next plan, he said he will just stay with the security and think of what to do the next day. That didn't sound like a good idea to me so I suggested he should go stay at my place since no one was there. Although I had moved to Rivers State, I still maintained my apartment for the meantime so I can have where to stay whenever I visited. He tried objecting and I told him that if he doesn't, that would be the end of our friendship.

He finally accepted and I sent him the address and where to find the spare key. While he was on his way, I called my next door neighbor to inform her that my friend was coming to my place so they don't think he was a burglar. He got there safely, and wouldn't stop thanking me for the kind gesture. But I had another shocker in wait for him the next day, hehehe. Can you guess?.

So while we were talking, I suggested he continues to stay there till he gets his own house since he was already making plans for it, coupled with his friend's recent behavior which was masterminded by the girlfriend. Sounds crazy right? Well I do crazy things, lol. As expected he was shocked, and was like;

what kind of a person are you?

I replied the kind of friend you needed. Remember we made a deal to be friends the day we met? That's me keeping my part so you'd better keep yours by accepting to move in there, else you won't be my family doctor again..... I ended with a laughter.

He thanked me further and said he will let me know what he decides after knowing his stand at his friend's place.

Monday, he called saying that he has accepted to move in, that the friend came back and when he inquired to why he acted that way towards him, he started giving him attitude. I told him I foreknew it that's why I made the suggestion earlier. He was so thankful, grateful, infact everything was like a surprise to him.
He stayed there and it wasn't long he got another job at Lokoja, where he is till date.

What I did might seem crazy or risky to some people but you know life is full of risks. I was happy, fulfilled and blessed that I could be counted on as a friend. That was enough for me.

Thank you for reading...

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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