My preferred food

Hello everyone, how was your day over there. I hope you are all doing great in your various places. It is another hive naija community contest and we have two amazing questions to answer but as for me I will like to talk about my preferred food that I will choose, if I was to choose a food that I will eat forever. I like food and that is why I choose that particular question.


Food is very important in human life and without food no human being can survive because it provides us the nutrient, vitamin and some other things that body needs to survive and function properly. Thinking about the question, we human survive on varieties of food and choosing one will be kind of hard but if I have to choose one food I will have to think harder.

I'm a foodie and my favorite foods are swallow or rice and beans but with the situation where we have to choose one food that we will eat forever, I won't choose any of those because I will get tired of them easily because there is nothing like eating varieties of food.

The food I will choose is salad, yes you heard me right salad, come to think about it, salad can mean anything, it can be fruit salad, potato salad, you can even have chicken nugget salad and even a regular salad . Salad is one of the food that is volatile and it can be customize to fit varieties of taste without getting tired of eating one thing every time and also for dietary preference.


There are certain Food that plays a crucial role in supporting our immune system and also helps us to fight against disease. The food such as vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants which can protect our body from harm and having a fruit salad can do the work.

Fruit salad is a refreshing option and it can contain the mixture of fresh fruit like citrus fruit, melon, berries and also grape which can be enjoy anytime of the day.

I can eat Cobb salad without getting tired of it anytime soon. This salad include mixed of greens, bacon, grilled chicken, boiled eggs, avocado, blue cheese and cherry tomatoes.

Talking about what we can get easily within our reach we can have garden salad. This salad consist of fresh greens like lettuce, mixed with vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, and radishes. It is often served with a dressing of choice.

After looking far and near for the food that can last long without getting tired of eating it that is when I think of salad and the varieties of it and just to mention few out of many varieties of salad that is available because there are many more like noodle salad and pasta salad.

Salad include vegetables, fruits, and other important nutrients in our diet which provides us with the nutritious and making them an excellent food to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. It might sound somehow to you but that is my choice.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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