It surprises me sometimes how little unconventional events can change a person's life forever. Back in the days when I used to be a very bad boy, I never had an interest in a lot of things because I never saw a need to do that. I wasn't as loving as I am now, and I wasn't as soft as I am now, as a matter of fact, I was so hard in my heart that only bad things appealed to me. Too bad that my mother thought she was raising a God-fearing Christian son with all the restrictions and teachings I got growing up. Unknowingly to her, I had become the very opposite of her undoing and this started at a very early age.

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Ladies mostly suffered at my hand being that I was just having fun with them with no True intention of being serious with any. It was more fun because I discovered this way of life on my own. I was never influenced by anyone, coming to think about it, I was the influencer myself. I know I must have shared a little bit of those experiences on my blog, especially in secondary school and when I finally moved into a boarding facility. I have shared how I was seen as a cultist by close friends and classmates because I had my own cabal, while my family saw me as a saint who could have never hurt a fly. I guess I was just in-between living a double life became my norm.

But the change for me began when a friend asked me one simple question… I'm not even friends with the guy anymore, and he has because he is now living worse than we were then. Then we were kids who wanted to explore, we never cared about good or bad, we just wanted what we wanted out of our own selfishness. His major influence was his elder siblings, while mine was my inquisitiveness. Especially from age 6 when I was left alone with the TV, and then I started getting gadgets. My friend then was still a far better boy than me, he wasn't as rotten and hardened as I was, and he would even try to tell me to be careful about the way I was living life.

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One day after I introduced him to the third girl I was dating who was friends with my two other girlfriends, he asked me a question that made me break up with two almost immediately and completely turned a new leave a week later. IF SOMEONE TREATS YOUR SISTER THE WAY YOU TREAT THESE GIRLS WILL YOU LIKE IT For the first time in my life I grew a conscience, it was as though something cracked within me that made me soft little by little. Today I'm so soft that I can't even find the energy to be a little as hard as I was then, I don't know why, but from that moment on, I started growing a conscience that convicted me for all my wrongdoings.


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