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Hive naija week 10/ Waste management manager.

The word silly in the English dictionary means laughable, or something foolish.

I have a tour around all possible silly jobs that one could ever do that are laughable and at the same time look foolish but I saw all as decent jobs that one can do to earn money except for one which is waste bin management.

The name sounds sweet, for one who does not have the full knowledge of this will think they sign papers and wear corporate wear to the office until the day you see these people at work. Then you will know that some work that seems silly is not silly.

My workplace is located around market areas where all kinds of waste are thrown but I have seen these people try as much as possible to keep the environment clean to avoid air pollution. Those who know what I am talking about should be able to relate when waste is brought from the market you know what it looks like most especially in the African market. Rotten tomatoes, peppers, onions, fruits that are spoiled, fish, meat and so many things you could ever imagine.
Now think of the offensive odor that hit the passer not to talk of those engaged in clearing such waste.


I can't imagine myself in such a place of work, just imagine having a girlfriend and she ended up seeing you in such an environment. Do you think she will ever kiss you again?

But then never, if I get such a job that will pay higher than my current salary don't mind whether it is silly or foolish whatever you want to call it. It is none of my business as much as the money made from it can help me mitigate some issues. Trust me I don't care. With all of my heart, I will do such work without looking at anyone's face. I need to survive and this is on me and not on anyone.

My welfare is my responsibility since I would not want to be a liability to anyone. I will have to do what I can do.

Infact I don't care if i am even made the manager in this work place my major concern is that my remuneration should always locate me.

The work here doesn't matter, what matters is the money coming in as a result of the work.