He Ticked All My Boxes, Except For One.

Falling in love is such a beautiful feeling, you meet someone special, and you long to see them most of the time, to talk to them, or to simply hear them say your name.

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You could do almost anything for their sake, and sometimes, maybe break Mama's rules. All that you want for them is happiness. When you think of them, you can't just help but smile knowing that there is someone somewhere who thinks you are a special one. And sometimes those long hours calls with one another the butterfly in the stomach are what made the feeling of love so amazing.

Some loves are meant to last for a lifetime while some aren't just meant to be, unfortunately.

My first crush was everything I wanted except for one thing, he was tall, dark, and wickedly handsome. His smile was contagious and was very popular among his peers.

He was really intelligent, top of his class,
due to his friendliness with people around, it didn't take me long to notice him and have an interest in him.

When they had just relocated into our community. His mom became close friends with my mom, and she was so fond of me.

The Mom always talks about how great her son was whenever she visits us and I guess that might have also contributed to how I felt about him those days.

I have liked him before he approached me, but when he did something was off about him, something I couldn't just overlook.

Writing about it now sounds hilarious to me and I can't help but laugh out loud.

He was schooling in a distant town which makes me always look forward to holidays when he would be around. He never really asked me out, I guess if he did he might have done it with his eyes and his smile. Our relationship kind of started that way.

One thing led to another he started visiting our house, during the holidays he would spend time at our house, but only when he did, he always stayed quiet, he could just sit there, staring at my face all day long without altering a word and when I talked, he would only give a single answer, no deep expression for so ever.

This was killing me, I wasn't much of a talker myself and the last person I wanted to be with was someone as quiet as a dove.

I needed someone who could make me talk and express my feelings all the time and not someone I would have to extract answers from by reading his mind, and I might even have to assume what he wanted all the time.

I talked to his best friend if he talks elsewhere and I was told he talks a lot. I told his brother to speak to him, he should learn how to express his mind and his feelings when he is around me but he never changed. I told him I would like him better if he talked more but he never improved. Due to this, I had to let my feelings for him die a natural slow death. It was what was best for both of us.

I began to distance myself from him. When he wanted to visit our house I would look for some excuse to discourage him from visiting, it took him a while but in the long run, he got the message

Whenever I thought of him, I wondered why a guy would be so damned quiet around a girl he is in love with. He would talk to his friends so much about me to them but when he is around me, his words are nowhere to be found.

He was a shy type I know, but too shy and quiet for my liking. I used to be a shy person but when I'm with someone I care about I become free in expressing my feelings and thoughts.

This is my entry into this week's #hivenaija weekly topic

Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for your support, do have a lovely week at your end @funshee

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