Myths I Grew up to Believe


It’s another week on Hivenaija, and this week's prompt is a very interesting one and I just had to jump on it.

Debunk a myth - Tell us of stories you've heard or things you've seen that you think are less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear.

Myths are traditional stories, especially ones concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events, it can also be a belief that is widely held, but false.
Growing up there were many stories that we were told about things, one of such myths I grew to know from my parents is the cutting of babies' hair once they clock one, this is being done so the so the “baby hair” will be gone, and the hair can grow thicker and fuller. They often say that if you don’t cut the child's hair at that early age the child’s hair would not grow as it is supposed to.


But I’ve seen children who didn’t have their “baby hair “cut at that age whose hair grew very well, I also read somewhere that the volume or thickness of a child’s hair isn’t determined by chopping it off, but by the genetics of the parents. So this is one myth that I debunked long ago, although it is still strongly believed by my folks here, I have told myself that when I give birth, I'm not cutting my child’s hair, I’ll let it grow.

Another myth I've come to know of over the years is the belief that whenever it's raining and the sun is shining at the same time, it means that a lion is giving birth hehe. Can you even imagine the logic behind it, thinking about it now sounds so ridiculous, but it is what it is and it was something we all believed and didn’t fail to share this story with anyone who cared to listen. Although this myth helped us have an imagination of what was happening in the wild, it is still a myth, it isn’t true.


That phenomenon or situation is actually called a ‘Sun Shower’. Yeah, that’s what it is called, and it happens as a result of winds blowing the raindrops to an area where there are no clouds. So you see it’s all crazy!

This myth is a ridiculous one, keep reading, and decide if I was exaggerating or if it does sound ridiculous. So it is believed that if your palms are itching you, it means money is coming, although some people believe it, and I don’t know if it's safe to say that it works for them, or its just mere coincidence, I can’t tell.


I also heard some people say that the more the itch, the bigger the amount that is coming. But I can't even wrap my head around the whole thing, how does my palm itching me translate to money coming my way? I may never understand it though.

This is my response to the #Hivenaija prompt, I hope you enjoyed reading.

Thank you for stopping by🥰🥰

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