Hello great people @HiveNaija community, happy new week and its yet another awesome time on the @hivenaija weekly prompt. I'm @fab-tay and i am excited to be participating in this week's prompt as my discuss will be on the balanced approach i employed after gaining self independence which has really been of help to me. It promises to be an exciting read, kindly follow through.

As the last born of the family, it wasn't the usual pampered last born scenerio though i enjoyed some cool treaties.😄 All throughout out my life i have been staying with my parents up until i finished secondary school. Thereafter, i began to seek admission to the university and The first time i gained self independence was when i gained admission to the University pre-degree program which is for a year.


The first remarkable part of this independence was me been allowed to board vehicle by myself without anyone accompanying me to the examination centre at a distant town where the University was. This wasn't so before because i rare travel then and if so, with either of my parent or sibling. By the time i went and came back home, then the confidence of slef independence is gradually becoming a reality.

On gaining admission to the pre-degree, i was allocated an accommodation which involved staying with other students and this marks the second remarkable part of been independent as for the whole one year, i stayed in school on my own with just few holidays spent at home. This is remarkable because i haven't been away from home talkless of it been for that long period. I wasn't over protected, caged or eager to leave house, but i need those moments as it marks the beginning of a new phase for me.


During this one year, i have the time to myself, made some decisions and have the say of mine own but i wasn't loose or misused it which is the balance to it. The mistake or costly errors made by many occurs at this moment because it is a vilnerable moment if not properly managed. To stay accountable, i still connects to my parents as i do reach out to them even when not physically present with them and also, i stayed accountable to the Christian couple who are my Pastors in the Church i attended then and this really helped me alot.

By gaining this independent season of my life, i got to make some vital decisions of my life and to prepare for the years ahead. Part of it was reading some books, made some critical decisions about the future, developed some skills needed for the future which i now made use of. I met some wonderful and brilliant students then who we still maintain contact with up till now because of the positive additions and value. This is my story of independence especially the initial one. Thanks so much for reading and i wish you all a great week ahead.

This is my entry to @Hivenaija weekly prompt 43 which is posted through @inleo

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