Hive Naija Weekly Prompt 26: Interesting and amazing hangout I had lastweek

As commonly said that: "All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy", i had my first weekend hangout in recent time and it was truly a good and memorable moment filled with so much fun. Fun/relaxation is part of life as the body needs it for rejuvenation and also for better productivity in the soul and the mind.
I attended a couple's hangout this last weekend with my wife which is an annual event together with other couples and i must say that it's one of the best moments of year 2023 for me as it is the first in recent time aswell as the first as a married man who got married fee months ago. Kindly follow me as i share with you some interesting, good and amazing part of it to and for me.

It all started on Friday with a movie night where we watched this very interesting movie "Extraction 2" even though I'm not really into watching movies but it amazes me how i was able to patiently enjoy it and looking forward to more of such movies. As the movie was ongoing, some refreshments were served including chilled drinks and a nourishing pop-corn, it was really a good moment for me.

The following day which is on Saturday last week, the hangout continued with an early morning football match ⚽ where i partook of and i was able to flex my muscles after awhile of playing such in recent time. Also, i engaged myself in a relay race and also a short distance race aswell even as others participate in various sporting activities and games.
Part of the interesting moment for me was the game of head gear tying by husbands on their wives which i was among the selected contestants and it was hilarious 😂 seeing different styles as displayed by the husbands and winners were selected. The petty talks, jests, cherring up were all part of it and refreshments were served.

Later in the evening on Saturday lastweek, i had the privilege of attending a couple's dinner which was also an interesting, good and amazing thing that happened to me last week. It was fun-filled from beginning to the very end as various games and activities were involved which made it lively coupled with very good moderation of those in charge. Two course meals were served with other refreshments and all these were at top-notch and the program was well organized which was something i really appreciates about it.

In all, i want to attest to the fact that relaxation is part of life and it is of immense benefits when individual/couples goes out to relax and enjoy themselves because good times spent together brings about beautiful memories which on the long run imparts positively on one's life. In all these activities, pictures were taken which makes it easy to reminisce and look forward to such moments in the nearest future. Therefore, this was the interesting, good and amazing that happened lastweek to me.
Thank you for reading.

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