Writing goals down

A warm welcome to my blog. Goals! Most people make goals in their minds that is they will plan in their head and then it ends there. This is totally different from having a goal and write it down in a notebook. It has been said that those who always write their goals down have a tendency of achieving them because you will always remember what you wrote down unlike those that only make a goal in their minds.


There is no limitations to the things we can write down as long as you are determined to achieve all of those things, you can take a notebook and write down what is called a dream list or a goal list and this list could contain up to 500 goals to achieve because these are life time tasks to achieve and they will be fulfilled if you are determined. The power and effect of this technique is that it gives you a complete turnaround of you direction in life and in your mind, it will and can make you a completely new person because each day that passes you will think of the piece of paper you wrote down and you will be reminded everyday of those things you have written down. I once had a goal, a goal to become an online business trader. Well it was a goal that was achievable but it didn't happen quite well. It was all because I was nonchalant to pay the sacrifice to start the business of the online trading, one thing I have learn in life is that in order to achieve our goals and reach our full potential we must make certain sacrifices and in my Case I was not willing to make that sacrifice and it has led me to be backwards in life.


Anyone who is serious about life would take time to sit and plan about investing in himself, the way one can invest in himself or herself is by making a commitment to learn and make the most in the field which you are good at in accordance to the written down goals. I have found out that those who are successful and millionaires today were very good in making the most out of their time and having the mind of following their goals no matter what happens. Most people are afraid to pursue excellence perhaps it takes a lot of time to achieve but what differentiate those people from a man which has written down his goals is because instead of wasting time and doing nothing they use that time and make the best and develop in their self.


Children should some how be taught to visualize a good future and write their goals down while in school. Thus will enable the child has something to live for hence he will not behave like a child which has lost his ways or does not have a goal in life. So basically what I am trying to emphasize on in this platform is that in order to keep a good and focus life , no matter what stage you are as a human being you should have a vision of the future therefore constant making efforts to reach all those goals that you wished and planned in life. This way of thinking will purify you as a whole and your worth will eventually become like that of a purified gold

With much love and gratitude @eberechi01

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