Celebrating This Christmas Differently

When I was growing up, I was always anxious about Christmas. I couldn't wait to wear the new dress that had been safely folded inside my grandma's box. So many things were special about that day, the food which was always in large quantity, the meat that was plenty, and the show of dress among friends. But with several Christmas celebrations, the anxiousness started to die down, and we say something like "Christmas is not all about the big spending but a day to reflect on the love of Christ" and ever since, I don't suffer myself with big plans, I consider it to be just like everyday.

One culture I noticed about most Africans is that they spend all their savings in the Christmas festive period and have to work hard to earn a living at the beginning of every year. I have done this in the past years but this year would be a little bit different. I have grown to an age where my goals and future matter more. I've feast enough and I think it's actually time to organize myself and build for myself the dream I had visualized for over the years. So my Christmas is going to be simple, not much spending, and a lot of savings. I know I have responsibilities ranging from family to siblings but I have resolved not to give out more than the amount necessary.

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It has become a regular routine for the family to travel to the village for festivals. Even though there's nothing expensive to consume one's money there, relatives and family friends who come to visit always expect some form of tipping in the spirit of the celebration. In order to avoid spending above my budget, I'll be staying back this year, no travel. I have chosen to spend Christmas all alone but this would help me save for my plans next year. Sometimes we need to make certain decisions to be able to move from where we are to where we want to be and this year I will make a hard Decision for my future.

Everything would be on a low budget, and since most of the things we'll be needing are available,one wouldn't spend much. We were able to harvest a good yield of rice this year, and are currently rearing chicken for this Christmas, so whatever expenses that may come may be one which one has decided to engage in. However, I have no date for this Christmas with anyone, Invited no one to ShopRite or any park for an outing. I've chosen to stay indoors, play music, eat , and sleep except if someone decides to take me out.

In summary, I don't have any plans to go out this Christmas, I'll be indoor all through the day and this is because I want to limit my spending for my plans next year, I have a lot i need to accomplish by the Grace of God next year and knowing myself to be extravagant spender, the only way to avoid this is to remain indoor and cancel all temptations to go out.

This is in response to the Contest by the @hivenaija community. The contest is still valid for participation

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