A Time I made Wrong Decision with Money

Warren Buffett once said “If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.” The first time I heard this quote was from a friend, I didn't know what it meant then until years later. Everyone at one point in life had made a wrong financial decision, then realized how much better he would have used the money when it was a bit too late. I have made many wrong decisions with money, and this was because of the wrong mindset I had about life. One thing my elder brother taught me was to enjoy myself, it seemed as if he learned earlier because he's the complete opposite of enjoying yourself now while I took over the lifestyle. It was with this spirit of enjoying myself while I'm young that led to my several spending on things I did not need, and it was at that moment that Warren Buffett's quote resonated in my mind.

Before I was posted for my Youth Service, I resolved in my mind to make savings, enough to help me start a business or invest into something after the service. The plan was going well, making my little savings, not from the allawee but the money I made from online activities until the spirit of extravagant spending entered me. What I calculated to have spent was around #200,000 on something I can't specifically pinpoint. I had woken up that morning with a high spirit of enjoying myself and I made a withdrawal of #90,000 and all I can remember eating was chicken and pomo, hahaha,

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I don't drink nor do I womanize , so my money didn't specifically go to any of them. They all went into food that i didn't need because I already bought foodstuffs. So it was from one eatery to another and for a week I stopped cooking. When the first Money I withdrew got finished, I made another withdrawal of #80,000 and was spent on something I can't specifically remember but it wasn't relevant and then another withdrawal. Unfortunately I didn't grow fat from all this eating, I still maintained my body shape except that my body testified that I did enjoy myself to the fullest, eating whatever my heart desires without a second thought. It was after the last withdrawal that the veil fell off my eyes and I realized what I have done, for two weeks i spent all the money I was hoping to start a business with, it was at that moment I realized I've fucked up.

A day after my POP( passing out parade) I checked the statement of my account and discovered I spent 1.2 million during my service year. The entire money I got from my monthly allawee was #400,000 it means , #800,000 was spent out of my pocket. No evidence of what I have done with the money or that which I was able to achieve and it really hurt me. Now I know better, and life had toiled with me, the spirit of enjoying yourself had no choice than to find another body to possess. Now I make better decisions with money, and I take calculated risk in money matters.

This is in response to the Contest by the @hivenaija community. The contest is still valid for participation

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