Totally absurd.

Relationships are one of the major currencies in life. When you have the right people in your life, then you have it all. All you need is a phone call, and everything will get done. That is why, in any situation we find ourselves in, we must try to maintain a good relationship with others because you don’t know who will later be of help to you in the nearest future.

Image from my Gallery

When it comes to romantic relationships, we all want to belong. Let’s not say all, because people like me don’t have much flare for it. I remember my secondary school days. It is not that I had issues relating with the opposite sex. I attended a mixed school (schools for boys and girls). It’s just that I have a problem with romantic relationships. I believe it is a distraction, and it is for the unserious students. I had my goals to achieve: to make my parents proud by getting A’s in my results. The only time I get jealous of my friends who involve themselves in romantic relationships is during Valentine's season. They all share gifts amidst them, and they will be shouting “Awnnnnnnn.” up and down, but this didn’t change my belief about the relationship. Any season outside this, I am ready to abuse and call them unserious students.

Also, I don’t want to get involved in this type of relationship because I don’t want heartbreak. I don’t want to cry because of one boy who cannot feed himself for a day successfully without his parents's support. My parents were doing their best to supply my basic needs; looking for excess is covetousness.


After my secondary school, I couldn’t get admission. I became lonely and disappointed. So I decided to say “yes” to a boy who had been disturbing me for some months. Well, I like him a bit and decided to give this relationship a try and see how it goes.

The journey started, and it was all well and good until one day we were discussing and somehow got to the topic called "marriage." He promised to marry me; I am the best he could ever have, and I was like, On my wedding day, I will be the most beautiful lady in my white wedding gown. “How will you love the day to be?” I asked, I noticed that at this point he remained silent. I asked him what happened, and he gave me the shock of my life. He said, “I don’t want to do church weddings, and I would not love to go to court." I was like, Are you for real? He said yes.

Then what do you want? He said we will have traditional marriages only when we are ready. Seriously, in this 21st century, is that even a marriage? I could not believe my ears. I played along on that day. After two weeks, I told him I was no longer interested in the relationship and that God would give him the lady of his dreams. I told him I had genuine reasons to end it and that both of us needed to move on. I didn’t even know how to explain it to him.

Don’t blame me; it is absurd to hear something like that in this 21st century.

Thank God my admission has clicked. I was in school already. I just found a reason to fall in love more with my studies.

Thanks for visiting my blog.😊

Grateful Heart ❤️

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