Love and Legacy: The Importance of Medical Compatibility in Relationships

Love seems to be one of the avid realities. We came to the world to look for love. The reason why it isn’t a surprise that love became the biggest commandment in the gospel of Christ. But even with that, one might be surprised that love can also provide everlasting pain to someone or a group of people who didn’t share in the adventure of love. It becomes a sad event if necessary things are overlooked.

It pains me when I see children or meet people that suffer from sickle cell sickness and also genetic disorders. They are a product of lovers in ignorance or couples who have banked their selfish love in the product of a painful tomorrow. Love is never enough, we often hear this. One may think it’s about money and the beauty it adds, but it’s not. A lot needs to work out and one of them is medical compatibility. Taking a grasp at the biological side of our human nature, steps are to be taken. Love oftentimes, leads to procreation. That is the ideal of ancient knowledge. The coming together of a man and woman basically is to procreate and multiply. This makes it ideal for necessary steps to be taken for offspring to be healthy.

I can’t deny it requires courage to do so, as it can lead to unexpected news afterward. This may lead to the end of a love adventure. But with the right timing, it can be better made to make it a less painful experience in case it turns sour. The first point of a relationship is attraction. It’s a point at which two people find each other attractive, they like each other and have both made conscious steps for a joint understanding of how the other person thinks, works, and the individual way of life. As most people will say, it is also the stage to check if the other person is your spec. The modern dating world also calls it the “talking stage.”

This gives room for the next stage which is bonding. This is a stage whereby both the man and the woman check out a lot of things, characters, attitudes, life patterns, medical records, and family history. Love is a lot of things and sometimes, in the journey, people realize that it won’t work. We are often attracted to quite a good number of people in which at the end of the day, we couldn’t bond with them. This is as a result of so many things like medical records. With the presence of technology and the level of medical knowledge, it pains to see children born into the darkness of sickle cell disease.

Love is a hard venture to begin, the dating scene is messy at this particular time. This makes it hard to get someone who will complement you. If you do get, and the medical record isn’t compatible together, please if you must have children, it’s better to break off the relationship immediately. This may not be easy, as love is an emotional one and it’s very hard to take such actions, but think of the impending danger it will bring. The unhealthy offspring you will bring into the world, the amount of care, attention, and affection that will be required to take care of that child or children. Do you really want to go through that?


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