The onset of my independence marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I was only 18 years old and that was the first time I ever felt so independent and lonely. I had just gotten admission into the university , I was so overjoyed to be able to complete all the processes involved. Although, it was a moment I have waited for a long time, so it finally came. I was also excited for the new challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, but at the same time I felt so nervous about being independent. Up until that moment, my parent had always been there to protect and guild me. But I was going to spending a whole lot of time all by myself, I wasn’t even sure if i was ready.

isaiah-mcclean-Q1AWOs_QvJg-unsplash.jpgPhoto by Isaiah McClean on Unsplash

One of the biggest changes was that I would be living in a lodge alone, doing the cooking, the laudry all by my self . Actually it was a big deal to me and kinda scary because I had never been allowed to live all by myself. My parent were hesitant at first, but they eventually agreed to let me try. The first day for lectures came, and I found myself getting up so early, I prepared for the day and I walked to the hall. It was a beautiful day, and I felt so grown-up and independent.

After that, I started living alone, walking to class everyday, and choosing who I want as a friend. I loved the feeling of being responsible for myself. A lot of people will say it’s a small easy thing to do. But honestly, it was a big step towards independence. Doing all that gave me a sense of freedom and responsibility that I had never felt before not until that day . I could do whatever in want any day, any time without being controlled by my parent. I could just go out at my own pace and enjoy myself. Even with this moments of freedom, I still missed being at home with my family, they just call once in a while and the call wont even stay long which pissed me off at times.

I think that feeling of independence is what I remember most about that moment. It was the first time that I felt like I was in control of my own life and I could do anything I set my mind to. Although, it was scary from the start, but I just had to get ready for it. It was also a powerful feeling and it has stayed with me ever since. The feelings of independence made me a strong, fearless and capable person, it also increased my self confidence and had made a realize a greater sense of responsibility. and I learn to always take things one step at a time and also not be afraid to ask for help when I’m in need. It was a defining moment in my life and it helped me become the adult that I am today.

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