Challenges that comes with Onboarding people to Hive

Onboarding people to the hive platform is something I love doing, I love teaching people about basic things, and hence guiding people on their journey and also helping them to gain their ground is not a problem for me but some factors hinder and discourage me from doing that and I am now very selective of people I onboard to this platform.


There are two types of people I love to onboard now. The first set of people are those skilled in writing, when I see this kind of people, I am always inspired to onboard them to hive so their talent won't be wasted.

The second set is people close to me, I tend to want to help them in case they are not doing well and the easiest way is inviting them to the hive platform where they can develop writing skills and also earn from it.

Friendship is only fun when all are making progress, so hiding updates from your circle only makes you a bad person.


The factors that discourage me from onboarding people now are due to past experiences with my onboarders.

I invited someone to Hive and he started plagiarising posts, I made a mistake when I introduced the Hive platform to him, I taught him how to sell by transferring 1 Hive to his binance memo just to teach him how to deposit and withdraw but that mistake cost me a week payout because when he was caught, all my post for that week was flagged by the watchers, I told this guy to stop posting on hive if he is too lazy to make original content but he only went ahead to create another account and started to plagiarised again and in no time, I got flagged again. If anyone was in my shoes, I suppose they would never want to onboard anyone again but then I couldn't let other innocent souls pay for the crime of someone else.

Another problem with Onboarding people to the hive platform is that some people lack patience, they get discouraged once their post doesn't get a good reward and they eventually abandon their accounts, after all the explanations and stress gone through to enlighten them about the platform, that is effort being wasted and at a point, one would get tired of stressing himself when the people involve ain't ready to give it their best.

Nowadays, I tell people the hard part and whether they want to join or not is their choice.

  • I tell them it is tough to earn on the platform
  • They need to be patient and dedicated
  • It may take a lot of months before they start earning well

Rather than tell them, there is money for them on the platform and all they need to do is sign up, I do not raise their hope so they won't feel disappointed when they eventually join, but with the cons in their mind, if they are lucky to earn something decent, they will be happy.

I do not really find joy in onboarding people anymore but I still do once in a while and it seems I will be onboarding 2 of my coursemates soon, I am still thinking about whether to do it or not...

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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