The onboarding Journeys.


In our world, there's a need to work smart because there are dragons made people out there who are ready to use you to blow off steam and receive all the glory for your intense butt working of 8-10 working hours.

This is why being a salary earner is no joke. You can't decide things for yourself at times without your company messing things up. It's like your weekends are now part of your work day. Take a banker as an example, especially those in the marketing group. They hardly have time to themselves because even when they feel they are free on a weekend, it turns out to be they are not. Calls come in from different places, and they have to pick up to maintain the company's customer.

Now, if you are to ask any of them what is their net worth for working so endlessly, you'll be surprised that some of them live on debt and this is what brings in online platforms like Hive as it gives time to do other things and you are rest assured that your Hp (Hive Power) is an investments on it own. Hive invests in you, and the more time given to it, the more succession arises.

Speaking about Hive, I have been called upon by friends who see my WhatsApp status where I share things about Hive, and they are curious.

What is it about? They'd ask, and I'd just need to explain to them. However, I found that some of them weren't really sure about it. They ask if I put money in it, fearing it may be a scam project of which I told them it's not.

That was the first experience I had with someone asking me about Hive and after taking time to explain, some tell me they'll talk to me later of which they do not and that isn't a good feeling. Not because they didn't join but because of the time I had used to explain things to them, so I thought of a different approach.

Whenever someone asks about what I post on my status, I tell them it is a Hive blockchain, and if they are interested, they should do research by asking Google.

Doing this saved me time to attend to my Hive activities, which is a good thing. However, things took turn when they read and see the word, cryptocurrency. They start asking what they need to do, and I do tell them and also add that it is not a get rich quick scheme as there's more to it.

Through consistency, engagement, and writing quality pieces, they'd get better each day. Which makes me tell them not to think of the money part as it'll bring devastation if their piece didn't get high upvote and some of them promised heaven and earth saying they'd focus on building themselves there.

Words said, but their actions differ and this is what pisses me off because after explaining a lot to them, most of them just give up not even halfway, but right at the beginning and it's a terrible feeling. There are others who write like they just finished nursery school, and it makes me question our education standard in the country wherever I read their posts.

... and this taught me another lesson as I have devised another means to attend to people without wasting precious time and the payment structure on getting an account has helped massively.

This is my response to Hive Naija community contest


Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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