I Could Do It Because...


This isn't about the Kdrama Uncanny counter, where the statement was used tremendously. This is about life. A true life skilled story.

When it comes to speaking, a lot of people can do it, but not everyone can truly communicate, and this is a big skill people lack. But, I am different. Growing up, I was known to be a talker. Mehn! My mouth moves a lot, and nobody has it last on me during a discussion. I could speak up in public places where voices need to be heard, and my voice is very loud if I want it to be.

Hehe, I don't know if I was brought up that way, or maybe I inherited it, but I do like that side of me. The part where I can pick up the microphone and speak into it without being shy or scared out of my pants. I know people who are shy, I have met with people who would rather stay locked in a dark room than speak where people are presented, and I get it.

While some go to school to have that part studied as a course, there are others who prefer life that way as it seems safer and I understand them. Humans are little meanie beings, and not everyone has the heart to face such people.

However, I have always loved being in places where my voice can be heard. Not like dominating others but inputting my ideas on what has been tabled, and I have to confess that I am super good at it.


I have been in situations where an impromptu talk needs to be presented, and I am giving little or no time at all to prepare and I have always carried my listener along, which has always been lovely.

My skill has helped me in so many ways that I am grateful for as I know without it, I would not have met good people who have swam their ways into my life like ducklings...Hehe, alright that was a joke and it is very funny to me which is the main thing here.

I remembered how I had gotten to meet great intelligent lecturers and interacted with them. My H.O.D and I were super close because of my skill, then while schooling, and we still talk once in a while after so long. Though I love talking, giving a listening ear has always been the interesting part of it all as with it, I have gotten to learn and it has also helped me to stand up and speak when needed.

I made a lot of friends in my department the day I did my defense. I know you would have felt it, too. The hawk eyes stare at your move as your matric number is called. It was crazy and it was not fun then as a lot of people messed up in their speech, some fainted, and the others came to showcase their Slay queen talent but got ridiculed. However, there were those like me who stood up and spoke.

Gosh! I never thought I could pull it off, but deep down, I knew I Could Do It because I was made for this. The silence that took over the hall as I walked out, the looks of people piercing into my soul screaming, Let's have another laugh so please faint or mess up.* But, I never did. I didn't even know how I started, but I do know the moment my voice filled the air, there was more silence as I spoke and played out some program I did to go.

And, I can assure you that at the end of it all, the sound of claps that filled my ears and heart was alone to build a castle and also travel to Mars. Right after that, I became super popular for my own liking as my name dropped off people's lips for a long time.

Hehe, and right then, I knew my skill paid off, though I didn't like the attention on me and had to slip away from socials to enjoy my sweet alone time, which was needed. And that was how it has been and still is.

This is my response to Hivenaija weekly prompt.

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Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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