Crush | Unappreciative Love


While growing up, I loved living a life of purpose in such a way that I love setting a goal for everything I do. To remain focused and avoid distractions towards my academy, I set a goal towards relationship and My goal was to reach adulthood before I started to feel in love.

Only for me to reached the adulthood stage, then I begin to mistake love for a crush. I see myself as her perfect partner. I blush at every little thing she does, both funny and unfunny things. My selfishness deserves her to be my future partner by all means, even when I'm in anger or disappointed or shame, I still keep on aiming to have her as my future partner.

I spent 8years crushing on Sarah. It all started on Christmas day when I was going out. I heard someone calling my name from behind. Just for me to look back, it was Sarah, a beautiful, average height and chocolate-colored lady. I was curious, because I never knew her before she explained how she knows me and how she has been messaging me on Facebook but I didn't reply.

Well, I thought she loved me. That was why she was after me, because have already fallen in love with her on first sight, reason was her beautiful appearance. Slowly I started having conversations with her on Facebook. From there I graduated to close friends, calling her and going to her house. Cooking different kind of meal along with me, sending her money and recharging her phone. I thought by doing this I could win her heart.

Two year later, to build my confidence and proclaim my love for her, I went to drink beer because I'm a shy person. At the end of the day, I didn't get a good answer. However that didn't stopped me from crushing.

Rather I took the crushing seriously, I changed my visiting schedule from evening to morning till dawn, I began to help her to lose her hair and even prepare her for exam.

I do a lot of things, I can remember the day I entered the rain just to go and get her favorite food, also how I changed my name to king just because they popularly know her as queen. Crushing makes me do embarrassing things, and back then, I'm somehow excited doing those things.

The friendship was so tight that everyone in our community thought we were dating. Even when we both got admitted Into separate universities, she went on to date different guys, who I knew almost all of them. That never stopped me caring for her, I always told myself that I'll wait for her no matter what.

Sadly for me nothing happened for 8years. A day before I traveled for my NYSC service, I decided to text her for the last time and the reply was still No. So, I deleted everything about her on my phone, I cried and I decided to move on with my life.

That was how I ended my crush story.

Thanks for your time on my blog!.

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