X (Formerly Twitter) Is My Favorite Social Media Platform: HIVENAIJA WEEKLY PROMPT #19

There are number of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube, WhatsApp, Telegram , Discord, Twitch etc. All these social media platforms are influencing on our lives in different ways either positively or negatively. I have an account on all these social media platforms. I think the main social media platforms are;

  • X
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Twitch

Which we used to promote our content and message worldwide. While on other social media platforms like Whatsapp, Snapchat, Telegram etc we used to connect with family and friends.
If I talked about myself I don't use TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, although they also have some good features but am regular user of Snapchat, WhatsApp, YouTube and X. WhatsApp & YouTube is necessary almost everyone scroll on them daily. Snapchat I used because of the streaks fun. X (Formerly Twitter) is my favorite social media platform I used it for stay update about cryptocurrency and politics.

Why X (Twitter) Is My Favorite Social Media Platform.......?

I joined Twitter in November 2021 and it's too late. Because I joined the Facebook in 2017. Before joining the twitter I have thoughts that Twitter is only for politicians and big big personalities of the world but I was wrong.
In 2021, I joined it because of the SmartBCH projects and then after this I got habitual of scrolling on twitter. In morning time when I woke up I must check my Twitter account.
X is my favorite social media platform;

  • Because it provides information about everything Cryptocurrency, Entertainment, Sports, IT, Freelancing, Science etc.
  • It tell us what trending in our country and also in whole world.
  • It stay us updated about the politics.
  • Also the big personalities of the world are on Twitter you can follow them to stay updated about them.
  • X is also the way of earning money. Cashrain - A platform where different people promote their project through X and paid you in Bitcoincash if you are helpful in promoting their projects.
  • You can also earn money from X by participating in different Cryptocurrency related contests and giveaways.
  • Every new Cryptocurrency project promote it's project through X, you can get updates about their project through X and find that it's worthy or not.
  • Moreover you can also earn money from X independently by buying blue tick and through content monetization.
  • If you are interested in memes and poetry you can also find such content on X.
  • You can also find your favorite celebrities from the globe on Twitter.
  • Moreover I find the Twitter interface more convenient to scroll as compared to Facebook and Instagram. That's why I like it.

Closing Thoughts:

X ( Formerly Twitter) is my favorite social media platform as compared to Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. You don't get any kind of knowledge after watching the Instagram reels and videos on TikTok and Facebook. That's why I think scrolling on these platforms are time wasting. But if you are interested in cryptocurrency you can get the good knowledge about cryptocurrency from Twitter and also earn money from it. That's why X is my favorite social media platform.

Thanks For Reading......!

Image Source:

Lead image is screenshot from my X profile

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