How Not to Ram

Sometimes in life, we just get things completely wrong, I guess the same applies to baby goats?

This little goat is flexing his flehmen response really hard.

The flehmen response is very common when male goats are trying to detect whether a female is ready for mating. The ram would go about his day, and then bam - female goat piss... They would eagerly smell the urine to detect the secretion of hormones in the urine while lifting their upper lip in a comical display. This behavior helps the transfer of female hormones, such as pheromones to the Jacobson's organ situated above the top pallet of their mouth. The scents are transferred to the Jacobson's organ through a duct situated just behind the front teeth of the animal.

In this case, this little goat decided to try out his newfound superpower on his own pee - it was classic to watch him get it wrong :D

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