Kyjiv Is a Sister City of Tampere


...and Helsinki and many other cities in the world.


I can't stop doomscrolling. Twitter is the worst. I mostly follow people who Tweet about Ukraine and the war. Other wars too. Other news than bad news seem futile. So futile and small and unimportant.


The news that I see does not make me fearful about my future. I have not fetched iodine tablets from the pharmacy, have not stocked food or something like that. I'm not afraid. I don't sleep badly or anything like that but I just can't stop doomscrolling. I have to know everything. When the news in Yle (Finnish national TV) about the war (and it's almost completely about the war) end, I go to Twitter or have 5 or perhaps 6 tabs open which all have different live feeds in YouTube from various sources like Euronews, ABC, DW, FRANCE 24 and such. I just have to see and hear everything. I can't stop.

And everything that is happening makes me mad.


It's horrible. Not the fact that I have to know but what's happening but everything else.

And now I find myself thinking that how long till the news will start to look "normal" again although the situation in Ukraine will stay the same or be worse. The thing that always happens when bad stuff happens and people just want to get on with their lives because it's not here and we're okay. And that thought also makes me sick.


"People die in wars, yes it's bad that it's now in Europe where we live but can't we just go back to the normal and forget all about bad stuff and just turn our backs and be happy again?"

At some point, that will happen.

Bad people rely on that.


Good things happen too though.

It's amazing how for instance some people from Finland have loaded a buss or a van or any car filled with equipment, clothes, drugs, food and delivered that to Ukraine borders (it's only about 1300 km), taken refugees and are offering them a place to stay, spare rooms, apartments and houses, even decided to share their home with refugees from Ukraine. But it's sickening how refugees from other countries than Ukraine have been treated before this. People who have fled wars.


Skin color, home of birth or how far your home country is apparently matters. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Every asylum seeker and refugee should be treated the same way.

My soul and heart just can't comprehend wars, discrimination, racism or closing your eyes from misery caused by people to people. Or animals but I'm gonna save that rant to some other post.


Sister city or twin town, in Finnish ystävyyskaupunki is literally translated friendship city.

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