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Here I Am

Alguien le puso un precio demasiado elevado al aíre, aquella brisa que dábamos por sentada ya no viaja tan limpio como antes y existen dos tipos de aire, uno que podemos respirar y otro que nos puede enfermar.

Inhala, exhala... ¿Simple? Ya no tanto...

Someone gave a very high price to the air, that breeze that we took for granted does not travel as clean as before and there are two types of air, one that we can breathe and another one that can make us sick.

Inhale, exhale... Simple? Not so much anymore...

De repente, el solo hecho de respirar vale oro y es muy notable darse cuenta quiénes están consumiendo un aire que los hace toser, debilitarse y acelerar su corazón y quienes tienen el privilegio inmunológico de que no les salga su número... todavía.

Inhala, exhala... ¿Simple, no? Pensé que sí lo era...

Y llorar no basta, ni ayuda, no, porque te acelera el corazón y te baja las defensas, queda prohibido, como prohibido queda rendirse, lo sé, pero es muy fuerte que debas obligarte a frenar las lágrimas, porque si lloras, aquel aire limpio se escabulle entre tu energía para tener, como deberías tener, la frente en alto.

Suddenly, just breathing is worth gold and it is quite remarkable to realize who is consuming air that makes them cough, weaken and speed up their heart and who has the immunological privilege of not getting their number... yet.

Breathe in, breathe out.... Simple, isn't it? I thought it was...

And crying is not enough, nor does it help, no, because it accelerates your heart and lowers your defenses, it is forbidden, as it is forbidden to give up, I know, but it is very strong that you must force yourself to stop the tears, because if you cry, that clean air slips through your energy to have, as you should have, your head held high.

Inhala, exhala... ¿Les parece complicado? De un momento a otro, sí.

Inhale, exhale? Does it seem complicated to you? From one moment to the other, it is.

Les aseguro que el aire ya no es el mismo, nunca antes evaluábamos la calidad de la voz, el acercamiento de un abrazo, o el beso que ahora no das por miedo a que ese aire dañino sea compatible con alguien que amas.

Y uno queda como un cobarde, como alguien que ahora mira a su alrededor cuando va a suspirar y no es justo, no.

El aire es costoso, pero no tiene un precio en específico, solo el que cada quien, ahora, reserva con distancia, miedo, la boca tapada y la paranoia de no saber la calidad de pureza de donde la sustrae.

I guarantee you that the air is no longer the same, never before did we evaluate the quality of the voice, the closeness of an embrace, or the kiss that now you do not give for fear that this harmful air is compatible with someone you love.

And you come off as a coward, as someone who now looks around when you go to sigh and it is not fair, no.

The air is expensive, but it does not have a specific price, only the one that each one, now, reserves with distance, afraid, the covered mouth and the paranoia of not knowing the quality of purity from where it is subtracted.

Inhala, exhala... ¡Qué Dios nos cuide!

Inhale, exhale... May God take care of us

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