The brand new sending Lightning to Hive and back

Building the next v2

Support Proposal 265 on PeakD
Support Proposal 265 with Hivesigner
Support Proposal 265 on Ecency
Vote for Brianoflondon's Witness KeyChain or HiveSigner

This is a value for value post: see the explanation in the footer.

The new site is live at and all old links should work!

Give it a go and let me know what works/doesn't work.

Description to follow

▶️ 3Speak

appStore | GooglePlayStore | Support @threespeak | Support @sagarkothari88

Value for Value

For the last few months while building @v4vapp I was generously supported by the DHF. Going forward I have a much more modest support which covers direct server costs and a little of my time.

If you appreciate the work I do on and around Hive, you can express this directly: upvoting posts on Hive is great. Also consider a direct donation (there's a Tip button on Hive or a Lightning Address) on all my posts.

Support Proposal 265 on PeakD
Support Proposal 265 with Hivesigner
Support Proposal 265 on Ecency
Vote for Brianoflondon's Witness KeyChain or HiveSigner

Send Lightning to Me!

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