Pizza and a Camera for!

Wow! When @theycallmedan offered to buy everyone a Pizza if they used my system what a response!

And now there's a new feature in the @v4vapp web app: a camera!

Camera in

My favorite way to use this is via the in app browser in Hive Keychain's mobile app. Just click the little camera. Thanks to @ausbitbank who helped me with some Javascript. Perhaps one day @stoodkev and team will build this functionality directly into Hive Keychain (hint hint).

Now you can easily snap a Lightning QR code and pay. BTW support for LNURL's is a few days away (most Lightning invoices will work now but a few will need this next upgrade).

Thank you to all who tried and I've collected some of the tweets below. Feel free to add any other experiences in the comments to this post and please remember to vote for my upcoming continuation proposal.

Just a word on what this proposal means and what your vote means. There is a wide range of vote values on Hive. Obviously Blocktrades has a huge stake and his vote counts for a lot but I'm more interested in ALL the other votes no matter if you have 10 HP or 10,000,000 HP. The number of votes and the number of new accounts actually using the @v4vapp service MATTERS just as much as how much your vote is worth.

Obviously when the bigger whales, most of whom are very experienced devs, look at a proposal, they're looking a the technical merit, the cost, the reasonableness and whether it is good overall for Hive and of use to more than a few people. I hope my proposal ticks those boxes and the value it delivers is greater than the value I get.

So your vote matters, don't ever think it doesn't. The same goes for your Witness votes: our chain is DELEGATED PROOF OF STAKE and because we can move support loads of minnows CAN make a difference.

Support Proposal 222 on PeakD
Support Proposal 222 with Hivesigner
Support Proposal 222 on Ecency

Support Proposal 222 on PeakD
Support Proposal 222 with Hivesigner
Support Proposal 222 on Ecency

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