MerMay 2023 | ArtPark Weekly

MerMay 2023 ArtPark Edition.jpg

Hello from ArtPark!


It's an obligation to put out that meme at this time of the year.

Aside from the NSYNC meme, another May-specific event is "MerMay". MerMay is a 31-day art challenge first created by Tom Bancroft where artists draw mermaids relating to the theme of the day, every day. The official MerMay website has long released the prompts, but artists are free to follow that, create prompts on their own, or just draw mermaids every day without prompts.


Official MerMay Website

MerMay is one of the world's well-known artist events/art challenges. There are many reasons why art challenges are created but for artists, it is a great way to be inspired to draw. Your artwork can also be content for you if you are a content creator. In general, it is an excellent practice.

However, not all artists have the time and capacity to do the 31-day challenge. Nor does MerMay force artists to do it every day. And that's where ArtPark comes in.

ArtPark ???

As a short introduction, ArtPark Community is a small community of artists that was created on the Platform by myself and my friend, @ishketch. ArtPark was initially created to inspire the two of us to draw and by hosting small weekly art challenges, we call "ArtPark Weekly" we hoped to inspire and gather artists within the platform.

Many of our members have said that we should bring ArtPark to Hive. It's been a long time coming but here we are. We recognize the bigger and more known art communities on Hive. Slowly but surely, we aim to function as well as them and grow this tight-knit community.

As mentioned earlier, every artist is free to create their own MerMay prompts. You will see a plethora of prompt lists when you search #mermay on Instagram and Twitter.

Here is MerMay 2023, ArtPArk Edition:


Art by crimsonowl-art

The ArtPark version is a weekly prompt. You can choose 1 from the 3 words within the weekly prompt or combine it all. The world is your oyster, my friends.

Guidelines for participating:

  • Only hand-drawn illustrations (traditional and digital)
  • AI-generated images and photo manipulation are not allowed.
  • Please credit me and ArtPark if you use the ArtPark prompts, and include the prompt image in your post.
  • You are encouraged to use #mermay on Hive and #mermay2023 when posting on non-Hive social media platforms.

If you need resources and tips on how to draw a mermaid, the Official MerMay website has a tutorial section you can make use of. They also currently host a MerMay drawing contest. If you are interested, kindly check their website for more details.

Now that all is set, get ready to wriggle your scales and create the most beautiful mermaid you can. And don't forget to have fun in the process! We look forward to seeing your mermaid illustrations.

Disclaimer: ArtPark CryptoArt Community or its creators are not in any way affiliated with MerMay and MerMay organizers. ArtPark Weekly is not a contest but a recreational activity to inspire ourselves to draw.

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