What does it mean to be poweless?


Powerless? Not Me!!!

According to the first step of the twelve step programs

“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable.” – Step One of the 12 Steps

But what does that even MEAN? Well, if you are anything like me, it means that any intake of mind altering substances at all means that ALL BETS ARE OFF. In other words, it doesn't matter whether it is weed, alcohol, or anything else, if I take one, I never know what the outcome will be. I have spent the majority of my life using substances in one way or another, and the impact it has had on my life has been detrimental to say the least! I have ruined relationships, lost jobs, and started over from scratch in life about nine times. There is a saying in recovery - Jails, Institutions and Death, and I am only missing one of them at this point. Now, at age forty eight, I am once again starting over, and believe me, the weight is almost unbearable at times. Thankfully, there is a solution to my problem.

But What Is The Solution???

Well you see, in 1953m in Akron Ohio, something happened that has given millions of people hope since then. According to the American Addictions Center website:

Alcoholics Anonymous was created in 1935 by recovering alcoholic Bill Wilson. Wilson had been failing at his Wall Street career because his drinking was so out of hand that he was admitted into the hospital a number of times. Friends tried to help Bill, including his childhood drinking buddy, Ebby Thacher. Ebby had found sobriety through the Christian movement, called the Oxford Group, and he firmly believed it changed his life.
Dr. William Duncan Silkworth of the Towns Hospital in New York City also influenced Bill Wilson with religion, saying that alcoholism is a disease and that only God can cure it. With a newfound relationship of his own with God, Wilson was able to finally quit drinking for good.

That friends, is THE SOLUTION! You see, with the help of the program, we can have a daily reprieve from using substances!

But I don't Drink!

I can already hear some of you saying this, and the truth is, Narcotics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery and many other programs are based on the same twelve steps that were originally developed in Alcoholics Anonymous. Whether you have an issue with Gambling, Sex, or virtually anything else, there is likely a twelve step program available to help you. All you have to do is reach out and ask. If you are like me, and are helpless to control some behavior that is causing you problems in life, maybe now is the time to ask for help?

Something to think about...

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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