Doing the next right thing - Small steps


Do the next right thing...

People in recovery will often hear this statement, "Just do the next right thing," but sometimes you don't really know what that thing is! This is where a sponsor can be very helpful in guiding you in what the next healthy step is for you to accomplish. For me, it is obtaining a full time job. As of late, I have been home alone a lot, just sitting in my own head. I don't have internet where I live, so working on my computer is not an option, and it is just not healthy for me to be alone as much as I am.

So how is that going?

Luckily, I have been getting a lot of calls for interviews, and tomorrow, I have one for being a yard worker at a metal scrap yard. I know, not exactly a tech job, but I think mindless labor will be a good thing for me at this point. It will allow me to have physical labor while at the same time getting out of my own head for a while, which is something I really need right now. I think about the destruction I have created in my life more than I need to, and it just is not healthy.

What works for me might not be for you...

That is the thing about recovery, it is a program of suggestions not requirements. What works for one may not work for another. Maybe you need to focus on therapy before getting a job, and that is fine, but just stick with it. Trust me, as someone that has destroyed their life on too many occasions to count, things are not going to get any better if you give up. The one saying that holds true more than any others is this, "Many meetings, many chances, few meetings, few chances, no meetings, no chances" meaning that no matter what, seek the fellowship of meetings! Tat is where you can find a sponsor and start working the steps. This is where recovery comes from!

Keep it simple stupid!

Really, recovery need not be complicated. The saying that a person hears around the tables have been being repeated for a long time for very good reason, because they work! Keep things simple and take it one day at a time, and in time, things WILL get better. All you have to do is listen to the old-timers around the tables talking and that becomes abundantly clear. Just keep coming back!

Something to think about!!!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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