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Since 2020 ( Poetic Justice) - My Introduction To The Hive Community

It was a choactic week in my life, I just had a fight with my partner, and she left the house, for a weak plus, we have not spoken to each other, and it's really taking a toll on me. I tried to man up and act as if I don't miss her but her thoughts won't let my mind rest, she keeps running through my mind as if my mind was an Olympic track line.

That period I was a mess, couldn't focus, nor concentrate on anything. So I decided to write a letter to her. I brought out my pen and pepper, because I like it old school, I like sending my letters through mail, instead of through email, or whatsapp. To me it penetrates the heart more. I have learnt through the books that love letter is more effective on white paper than it is in a mail or text message sent through WhatsApp or any other medium. So it also encouraged me in writing on a paper. I was at the first paragraph of the letter, which goes thus

Dear Sandra,

I know I have messed up big time, but atleast, If you cannot hold me in your arms, then hold my memory in high regard.
And if I cannot be in your life, then at least let me live in your heart. I wish I could let you go, but I think perhaps I will always hold a candle for you – even until it burns my hand.
And when the light has long since gone …. I will be there in the darkness holding what remains, quite simply because I cannot let go. My darling Sandra, I wish I could let you go, but I can't.

I was still writing, before I heard a knock on my door, and I quickly rushed out to check who was that, lo and beyond,it was Sandra, my partner. The one I was writing to. The one that won't let my mind rest. Gosh! You need to see how gorgeous she dressed, how beautiful she was, it was as if she left me to go add some beauty. I was electrified by her charms and beauty. Her elegance, her smile, as she stood at the door, staring at me intently. Immediately I fell for her again. I couldn't stop my self from thinking wild thoughts. I thought of kissing her right away or maybe grabbing her soft backside, and then lift her up and kiss her tummy but then again, I don't know what's her intentions for coming back. So I respected my self. I don't want misinterprete signals, considering the fact that we have not yet settled our differences.

I was still standing in front of her when I remembered our last outing when we went swimming, how we kissed in the pool, how much fun we had. Every of our past lovely moments were all flashing in my thoughts all the at the same time.

I was still lost in thoughts, when she touched me back to reality and asked me if I have been listening to her all this while? I said no in sheepish way, she smiled and asked what was I thinking? I said was thinking of grabbing her, she smiled and said, what was stopping me, I said nothing, and she kissed me on the lips and said, let's go to the parlor, I have got news for you.

So we went to the parlor, she sat with me, and asked if I have heard of any platform called hive? I asked is it the crypto writing platform? she answered yes. I told her I have actually opened an account before with the help of @marriamwest but for years I have not written on the platform, she asked me why? I said don't nothing. I just don't really understand the platform. She told me how the platform has been helping her with finances and meeting new people, I was intrigued, so I asked her to teach me how to use the platform , so I can be earning like she does. She said I shouldn't worry that she would guide me on how to write on the platform and also earn from it. Through out that day, she taught me on how to surf the hive platform. I wrote a couple of posts, commented on some and surf the site generally, I thought I have regained my passion for writing, but after some few days. I stopped writing again. I just don't like the interface of the platform, not until @abdul-qudus reached out to me on whatsapp, asking me if I'm still writing? I answered no, he said he knows why I don't drive joy writing, maybe it's because of the interface, and he introduced me to another app I can use to write on the hive blockchain and enjoy writing.


The app he introduced me to was ecency. Immediately I opened it, and I loved it immediately, It's user friendly. Easy to understand. I was so happy, I wanted to start writing immediately, but he said I should wait, that hive has some invisible rules, that there is how I will operate on the hive blockchain I will get shadow banned. So he sent me two links , one was how to write an intro post and the other on how to understand the hive blockchain.

A huge appreciation to @nateaguila for this amazing badge!

He said, as a new member on the hive blockchain, you will have to write an intro post, it is a necessity I do so. I told him I have been on the platform since 2020, how will I be writing an intro post, when I have already written 12 post before. He encouraged me to write an intro post. He shared with me some hastag to use to enable my post gain visibility. He said on hive blockchain, an introduction post is very necessary. He said I should use these hastag #introduceyourself #introducemyself #introduction #newbie #vyb as we were chatting, I realised that all this while I have been writing on hive, I have never made use of any hastag, so when he shared those hastags with me, I feel like maybe finally I will start getting the visibility I seek on hive and maybe I will rediscover my lost passion for writing since 2020.

That was how I start writing again, first I wrote my introduction post, after reading the post he sent to me to read. I was happy that finally I'm writing again. That day, I wrote for about 3 hours non stop.

**Who Am I ? **

I am okeke Ebuka Paul, friends call me safari Bangz, I hail from Awka, in Anambra state in Nigeria. I did my nursery and primary school in Awka, my secondary school in Lagos state, My higher Education in Enugu state and my Youth service ( NYSC) in Bauchi State. My school adventure took me across Nigeria, I was able to school in the 3 most popular tribe in Nigeria. Which gave me a broader view of the Nigerian environment and ethics. I studied Business Administration and Management, in school, I took a professional course in management under Nigeria Institute of management (NIM), I also enrolled in Tony Elemeru Business Class.

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My writing flair started back in 2018, I was at first writing on my blog until a friend of mine introduced me to a platform called Uptrennd.

Uptrennd was the platform where I earned first as a writer. Thanks to my friends over there and special thanks to @dreemsteem for her tutorship and guidance through those period in Uptrennd.. She was a light in my dark moment both as a writer and as a person. She will forever remain in my heart. She brought out the genuine writer in me. Made me believe so much in myself and in the love of our creator. She was also the one that introduced me to vlogging. And so far I have been doing well in my vlogging journey. All thanks to her.

I know some of you here will be wondering what exactly did she do, how did she help me ? Well she started a school, a blogging school at Uptrennd, a school where people are taught how to blog and vlog authentically without plagiarizing other people's content. A school that teaches you how to bring out the original content in you. Well maybe in my subsequent post, I write more about this great woman. For now let me leave it at introduction.

I continue in the light that she has shown me as a writer, even on this platform, my writing here will more of my adventures, my experiences, my journey, my love life, everything about me and the lessons I have learnt and still learning in life, I will share them all, to the best of my ability.

I will try to reach out more and make friends with everyone here. In as much as I don't seek validation, it gladens my heart to know someone appreciate my post. And I really appreciate every upvote, comment and repost that I receive. Thank you and God bless us all.
