My start on Hive first week [ENG-ESP]

First steps

A couple of days ago searching the internet, I came across this platform called Ecency. which was powered by Hive. The truth is that I did not understand much of what it was about, I only understood that it was a blockchain social network. I thought it was one more. of those networks, which are sometimes responsible for misinforming us and filling our heads with negative things.

Hace un par de días buscando en internet me encontré con esta plataforma llamada Ecency. que fue impulsado por Hive. La verdad es que no entendí mucho de qué se trataba, solo entendí que era una red social blockchain. Pensé que era uno más. de esas redes, que en ocasiones se encargan de desinformarnos y llenarnos la cabeza de cosas negativas.

I wanted to give it a try
and see what his community was like. its people, what were the trending topics, if there was a lot of spam or advertising of those that do not stop appearing.

my surprise?
and for which you are currently reading this publication. It is that never in my life had I known a platform so spectacular in every way.

Quería darle una oportunidad y ver cómo era su comunidad. su gente, cuales fueron los trending topics, si había mucho spam o publicidad de esas que no paran de aparecer.

Mi sorpresa?
Y por los que actualmente está leyendo esta publicación. Es que nunca en mi vida había conocido una plataforma tan espectacular en todos los sentidos.

Has an amazing community. of people from all over the world with culture, traditions, ways of thinking. and see things. But the most important of all. It is respect and it is what most characterizes this platform. All people seek to put their grain of sand.

Supporting other people, being attentive to their content. Giving you suggestions on how to improve more and more. admiring his work, his time, his desire to get ahead.

Tiene una comunidad increíble. de personas de todo el mundo con cultura, tradiciones, formas de pensar. y ver cosas. Pero la más importante de todas. Es respeto y es lo que más caracteriza a esta plataforma. Todas las personas buscan poner su granito de arena.

Apoyar a otras personas, estando atento a su contenido. Dándote sugerencias de cómo mejorar cada vez más. admirando su trabajo, su tiempo, sus ganas de salir adelante.

my great help

In particular, I have met wonderful people, who have helped me throughout these days to improve more and more!

Thanks to the Moderators of the ecency discord group. and to those who collaborate by contributing their knowledge and time. They have been super attentive to me

En especial he conocido a personas maravillosas, que me han ayudado a lo largo de estos días a mejorar cada vez más!

Gracias a los Moderadores del grupo ecency discord. y a los que colaboran aportando su conocimiento y tiempo. han sido súper atentos conmigo.

help provided discord ecency

@GuiltyParties [.com]#5071

help provided discord The Terminal

@Wes Philbin#5391
and especially @pravesh0#4893

help provided discord The Terminal

If you liked this content let me know either by this means or through my social networks. I thank you for staying until the end. Blessings

my beginning

This is the beginning of wonderful things that I will learn along the way.

If you liked this content let me know either by this means or through my social networks. I thank you for staying until the end. Blessings

Este es el comienzo de cosas maravillosas que aprenderé en el camino.

Si te ha gustado este contenido házmelo saber ya sea por este medio o a través de mis redes sociales. Te agradezco que te quedes hasta el final. bendiciones

link used

hive image
Discord image
Discord ecency
Discord The Terminal

My social networks





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