Youtube chanel

Hello friends. Today I'm sharing with you a new venture of ours with @antoniohive.vibe, namely funny youtube videos. I decided to share it with you as our idea is to have fun and we are actually achieving it. Because as any of us are aware this is quite attractive at the moment, especially for couples living together. So these days I was thinking that it's not a bad thing to do as we get a real laugh out of it and it will be a memory for us too. Plus the idea is for our audience to have fun too, we do it for them <3!

Every day we upload new material and every time it's funnier and funnier, I'd sincerely love for you to follow along and have fun with us.

I'll tell you a story, not too long ago we were shooting in an amazing park and while shooting we had fun watching 3 girls sitting on a bench and the whole time they were applauding us for the job we did. They were following us the whole time and I was right by our side, after we finished filming they asked for my autograph right away and I couldn't believe it, but yeah well before we know it we already have an official fan base.

I urge you to follow us and leave the link down here <3

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