Hello, I'm Root Oracle Anon! Nice to meet you all :)


I decode divine Gematria from dream messages for the awakened, Q followers, digital soldiers, and anons. When I go to bed I ask spirit a question. Then when I’m in the hypnogogic state been waking and sleeping, I receive phrases that I write down and decode the next day. These videos cover the analysis of my gematria and research of events as they unfold across the world.

I have been blessed with a strong intuitive/psychic side and I want to use it to help others through the incredible spiritual awakening we are undergoing.

I started my podcast on Rumble in Oct 2022, but due to recent issues with Rumble's new verification process, I've been temporarily locked out from uploading videos until they can sort it out. In the meantime, I decided it was the perfect time to sign up to HIVE! I've been aware of HIVE for some time, but I finally decided to bite the bullet and join.

I uploaded my first episode (#7) to 3Speak, it hasn't made it's way to PeakD and Ecency yet, but you can find it here:


This episode was a bit of departure from my previous episodes as I talk about a dream I had, rather than decoding messages. However, I felt it important to share which is why it was frustrating that the Rumble issue got in my way.

I believe it has an important message about keeping our focus on the big end goal in the spiritual war we are engaged in: it's about ascension.

If you want to check out my previous (gematria) episodes, you can find them on Rumble:

Screenshot 2022-12-02 at 00.40.05.png

Link: https://rumble.com/c/c-2017732

I particularly recommend listening to Episode #1 if you want a deeper introduction into why I started this podcast, why I picked the name I did, and so on.

If you also happen to be on Gab, you can find me there too:

Screenshot 2022-12-02 at 00.42.02.png

Link: https://gab.com/RootOracle

It is nice to meet you all and I look forward to exploring the world of HIVE more!

Root Oracle

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