a Winter’s ❄️ Season view on soCal mountains 🏔 scene…

video captured on the southern California - San Bernardino County mountains town of Lake Arrowhead
...with melodic music background accompaniment of unknown and unidentified artist-composer (if anyone viewing this knows of and/or recognizes said artist... please share with the rest of us by commenting below (so that proper credit may be given)!

i am offering this video as an entry into the @TheSoCalHive 's "Show Us Your California!" weekly contest as a Winter Season video presentation (from the southern California mountains) during these hot Summer Season days, particularly as a cooling effect for my brethren currently enduring the heat of Summer Season on the Los Angeles County high desert and all sisters and brothers who could in-joy its cooling effects...
in-joy, in-love and in-gratitude for all the hot and cold that southern California weather offers between the perfectly lovely weather that we are gifted with in-between!

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