What you cannot do! BS


When you are in a place for so long, you begin to blend with the thoughts, beliefs and ideology of that atmosphere, that you both become one and inseparable .

This happened to me a few days ago. I had used up my money for a whole lot and contemplated how I could get data for the next week. As it came to mind I let it go as I never get stranded, God has my back you know and as usual ‘a way out’ came by next week.

The following day I sat down looked through my phone and was alerted that my data will not renew when it expires then the thought of ‘How will I get data?’ came to mind again.
But you got money now? Said my subconscious. Oh! Indeed I did.
Then I knew that I had to consciously get rid of the lack mentality. Funny that, that mentality clung on in just a space of less than a week.

Imagine being told through your childhood that there wasn’t money for this or that and coming to believe that lack is your reality.
It’s no wonder parents were advised in a podcast I listened to years ago that instead of saying I don’t have or We cannot afford it, rather you tell your kids that other pressing needs seek urgent attention though to pin it down as it will be gotten in time or if it is a thing of no importance to explain to them the need for better choices. It was said to help in better decision-making skills to which I agree.

It is also no wonder I have to say some words of affirmation over and again to debunk that naysaying thought which insists that where I am is where I belong rather than seek better as well as growth.

The longer you stay in a place or situation do you soak up all it entails, rebuffing the existence of anything else asides from what you know. The power of belief.
That is why extra effort has to be made to be able to get rid of it.

Remember, we see the world not as it is but as we are. Most of us see through the eyes of our fears and our limiting beliefs and our false assumptions.
Robin S. Sharma

I listened to a passage that is so familiar at the morning mass about Jesus who walked on water and Peter who asked to join Him.
Peter walked for a short while and then began to doubt of course he was not used to this, logic and the law of gravity did not permit such a happening so his life experience and knowledge limited his thoughts and belief of what he was capable of.

Beyond where we live or know it is so difficult to let in the things that quash all we've known all our lives. It will take a whole lot more than evidence to let go of what we've known. I guess that is why we have loads of motivational speakers and self-help books asides from the knowledge acquired to break bounds and aim for different /higher.

I for one have to look in the mirror reminding myself who I am and where I am headed because my environment does not permit the thoughts that evade my mind most of the time.
I also have to remind myself to smile and make sure I am happy with a broad smile as I express myself, in truth if I let my environment and its happening take hold of my every dealings and expression what a sad piece of tool I will make.

My thoughts are going wild and wide. Let's give it a pause here and give room to what you think about this.

®️Whitney Alexander

~Whitney Alexander; a lover of God, life and knowledge; an accountant, a fashion designer, a part-time foodie, a resplendent tutor and a blogger/writer/storyteller in the hive family and loving every bit of it. Thanks for stopping by. Your comments and inputs are very much welcomed. xoxo~

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