I Worry About My Responsibilities

What do I worry about?


I didn't realize I worried so much until I actually came across this post by @ericvancewalton. Too many thoughts in my head, too many, that I sometimes wonder if there's really anything to smile about. The subject matter is sometimes inconsistent, sometimes it focuses on money or the health of a loved one or the trend of a relationship or my responsibilities towards my family, and on and on it goes. Then I think of the uncertainty of the next minute, that's just the trigger I need, to start worrying all over again. Sometimes too, things so trivial, is the subject of my worries.

But I would say that my worries are majorly of my family and how I wouldn't want to fail them, especially my parents, who have done everything humanely possible to educate my siblings and I, even in the midst of very slim resources.
I lie awake at nights, ruminating over the job and the miserable remuneration that comes with it. Over how I could make more money to take care of my family, this thought plagues my night, and even my day, until it has now become an obsessive worrying that is holding me down where I must gasp for air

Worrying steals time and joy.

Yes I know that it's robbing me of joy! But how can I not, when I have to helplessly watch my parents continue in their labour and then wonder for how long, before they get a respite. In my country, the struggle for financial stability is a huge one and with the economy currently in shambles, and where university graduates are hardly able to find a job which can adequately cater for their needs, I worry.
I wish I could give them the World just to appreciate them for all their sacrifices over the years.

Thank you @ericvancewalton for the challenge.

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