Stop the World - Finding Synchronicity in the Silence - 5 minute freewrite

source - canva pro library

Below follows a freewrite on a Dreemport challenge that I am not officially doing as I am staff, but I wanted to do it because (i) this particular prompt really appealed to me, (ii) I needed to do something creative that extends me again as a writer (iii) I have never done a 5 minute freewrite before, and (iv) @khoola makes The Most Dangerous Writing App sound absolutely I just had to try it! If he can brave it for a week, I can brave it for a day!

So the prompt follows first and then I started the 5-minute app timer...the timer never seemed to come to an end ...ever... so eventually I just stopped! I think I might have broken the app hehe

The only things I have done with the output from the app were to remove the 3 blocks of bloopers (3 moments when it all threatened to fall apart at the seams) and insert them at the end in all their glory, correct spelling mistakes, add in grammar, otherwise, the words appear almost exactly as they did in the app (although I changed the tense on one or two of them).

Wednesday evening in the twilight of Christmas and New year. A snowstorm shot flakes of snow at the window pane. Sheltered behind the glass a flame cast orange glow to the only other resident perched by the window. Sat upon a cushion with her knees to her chest. Her arms wrapped around her legs grasping a hot cup of cocoa. She sat in a dreemy dreem and stared out to the darkness camouflaged up by a blanket of snow.

This was her spot. The place that she came when she needed to stop and talk to Him. The place she came when she needed the world to stop for a while. The temporal nature of the outside world juxtaposed against its very permanence was mirrored in her own life. The changing seasons reflected the changing thoughts within her mind and as the new season of Spring beckoned, it revealed a process of dreems taking root and growing in her heart.

As she gazed out of the window she could see the small snowflakes gathering up against the sill. Usually, they floated by so gentle, so perfect in the abstract, each a unique encounter with...with God perhaps?...she reached out to touch one and made contact with the large window pane. The glass was so cold could she make contact? But her hand instinctively reached out and held against the pane....and then the miracle happened, the snowflake started to respond to her warmth and its perfection started to slide and melt against the warmth of her palms. She felt a connection right there and then. The perfection of the snowflakes was mirrored in her heart and she needed just one glance to know that life would be good again.

The storm was almost over out there and she had connected with it and it had responded. And now the storm within her was subsiding too and she could feel the relief as the day's troubles eased from her soul and the heartaches were relinquished to a higher power, and life showed a promise of renewal again.

Life would be good again. She had weathered greater storms, and this too would pass...She had a higher being to thank for that; she had Him...when all felt lost she could always come to her window and be assured He would be there, and as she watched His creation, He in return watched hers through the window to her soul, and the dreems in her heart.

Life would be great again....and this is something that she knew would come to pass as sure as eagles dare and hawks take to the wind in the mountains, spying from up above. God was always there too and she would overcome as his presence was felt strongly by her every step of the way.

Her mountain home was perfectly poised for higher meaning, purpose, and upliftment, and nature's beauty, God's beauty, was revealed to her in its entirety and all of its splendour.

So she kept watching and knowing that she would weather the storm and come back stronger because He was there and she had him to talk to...

(Blooper 1 - insert here)

...and so now it was time for the world to start spinning again, and she was thankful that it would because really, she loved all the people in her life, her family, her friends, and all that she held dear, it was just the distractions, the storms that got too much sometimes as it did for everyone. She was grateful she had a window to His world, and He to now she could sip her cocoa and dreem of better days and be happy...

(blooper 2 insert here)

The world did start again and God looked down and said,

Dreems, I created you and you are are a master of the storm and you will achieve much in your life. Go forth and stop worrying, have faith, and keep dreeming and it will be...

...and it came to pass and Dreems was able to look out of that window with regularity as seasons changed both outside the glass and inside too, and winter turned again to spring, and then the joy of summer returned with its warmth and the sun was so full it lit up the entire sky...and the birds returned and the eagles and hawks took flight, and life was once again beautiful. They took flight above the world of His bountiful creation and though it had once been white and still and pure, it needed to change and reveal the beauty of the changing seasons so that life could start anew again and thrive.

Dreems truly had faith and believed that this would come to pass and so she had said a final little prayer before she turned to head for bed that night.

Dreems whispered

so please Lord sometimes I just want to stop the world and get off for a while and get an escape from the crowd and clear my thoughts and understand why things happen as they do...and when that happens please bring peace to my heart and my soul and allow me to understand what is happening. Strengthen my faith in the beauty and goodness of all that you provide so that I can get back into the world and exist alongside everyone else...I have so many big dreems and so little time to achieve them...

And His answer came:

but Dreams you have eternity,...the seasons will come and go and they will wash the world afresh with their purity, the cold, the warmth, the fall, and the renewal. And just as the seasons control nature, so your emotions control you, and the temporal nature of the seasons is reflected in the temporal nature of your emotions and feelings...these things will pass. Trust child, he gently chided, remember the connection for I am always here waiting for you at the window whenever you want to talk to me...just come and sit down with that big cup of cocoa of yours because you know I want a long chat, hey, and let's thrash things out...what will be will be, leave it to me...I see your heart, I see your soul, I see your dreems and your love for everyone... and it will be as you wish, but it will be when it is right,...don't force will happen when it is meant to happen....remember that I love you and I will always be here in every snowflake, every season, every rhyme, every just have to look and I will be here. So stop the world? You got it! Hold your hand? You got it! Leave you.....never! I am always here, always waiting on the other side of the glass. This is our place, our space and our window into each other's worlds....Be still and know that I am, and I will always meet you

This free write was inspired by Matthew West's "Stop the World" here


"Stop The World"

The T.V. is talking
The telephone's ringing
The lights are all on and the radio's screaming
A million distractions are stealing my heart from You

I'm tired and empty
This life is relentless
It weakens my knees and it breaks my defenses
It's wearing me down and I'm desperate to hear from You

Stop the world, I wanna get out
I need an escape away from this crowd
Just to hear You speak to me

I need to be still before I make a move
And I need to be humble with nothing to prove
And I need Your Word to show me the truth
I need time, precious time

Stop the world, I wanna get out
I need an escape away from this crowd
Just to hear You speak to me

Stop the world, I'm ready to listen
Show me a sign, just give me a vision of Heaven
That I can hold on to
Stop the world, I need some time with You

Before I can find my voice
I need to hear Your voice
Above all the senseless noise

Stop the world, I wanna get out
I need an escape away from this crowd
Just to hear You, I need to hear You, Lord

Stop the world, I'm ready to listen
Show me a sign, give me a vision of Heaven
That I can hold on to
Stop the world, I need some time with You
Stop the world, I need some time with You


(Blooper 3 insert here)


  1. and aaythhatthis is what happens when you keep freewritinga nd make so many spelling error that it just isn't funny and you don't want to go back and look atwhat you have done because that damn timer will shut off and you may lose everything because crazy stuff, happens in this app I am told and crazy stuff will happen in life...

  2. and this freewrite is taking a long long 5 minutes I tell you... is it over yet...nope let's keep going shall we.....

  3. ...and why si this timer still going seriously this must be like 10 minutes by feels like forever...I'm sure this thing isn't working ,,,, really truly i think this thing is broke,m khool mat!!!!!!! why did you make me do this....aaargh....dreems I love you but i can not think of anything more to say now and this is goingon forever j[how do i save it....can i save it i don't know let me try i orddddddddddd

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