Happiness is free

The reason why some people find it difficult to stay happy is because they depend on people to be happy or something to be happy. Many have knowingly and unknowingly made other people their source of happiness which has turned out to be a problem in their lives.


It is only what you give yourself that you can be certain about but if a human tells you that I will put a smile on your face be sure that someday he or she will disappoint you and by that time, you will be hurt and sad at the same time.
Never put your happiness into anyone's hands, be the reason why you are happy.

A man who was having a down time in his life went to seek advice from his close friend and he was told to drink away his sorrow, that whenever his drunk he won't remember anything that he is going through.

He took the advice and he got drunk, at that moment he forgot all his problems truly but by the time his eyes were clear all the pain came back and it was double what he was facing before because the money that he was supposed to hold and give to his wife was used to buy the alcohol and he wasn't feeling ok by the time the alcohol faded away.

A heartbroken lady was taken to a bar by her friends to drink and be happy, truly she was happy at the moment that she was drinking but after the alcohol faded away she felt the pain again.

The question is why do people think that there is a particular thing that can make them happy once they have it? And what if they can't get that same thing again does that mean they will remain sad forever? These are the questions we should all be asking ourselves before making something or someone our source of happiness.

It is best when we are the source of our happiness because that's the only way to stay happy genuinely and forever. There is no shortcut to happiness, it's a feeling that must be grown naturally.

Remember if you don't make yourself happy nothing else can make you happy neither can anyone make you happy.
Thanks for reading.
@george-dee is my partner

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