
Racism has been a delicate topic in the West and sometimes I laugh at people who jitter in discomfort when it is brought up. We get it, progressiveness has made the fact that the deeds of a certain race against others has somewhat hindered a lot of people from acting firmly against all round injustice.

Quite frankly topics like these are why I think I joined Hive in the first place. I should be able to talk about racism the way I see it and sleep peacefully at night.

It is condemnable to deny humans their basic rights simply because of skin pigmentation and more people should speak up about it. Racism is destroying many facets of society from sports to access to education to political office and many more. I understand that we’ve (the world) come a long way regarding how racism and anti-Semitism is addressed, but quite frankly I believe we have a long way to go.

Recently I heard BBC talk about how non Ukrainians especially Africans and Arabs fleeing the war-torn country were treated at the borders by Ukrainian migration officials. How they had to wait at the border for days while Ukrainian citizens were given preferential treatment.

Apparently the non Ukrainians slept outside under freezing temperatures with no real concrete explanations given by officials. They were later cleared with the officials of both Ukraine and Poland blaming each other for the 3 to 4 day delay of NON UKRAINIANS.

I laugh at the ruckus. Do you expect a country to give you preferential treatment over their nationals? That stuff only happens in Africa and some parts of South America...maybe a little in India but not in America and definitely not in Europe or most parts of Asia.

I remember hearing Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky asking foreigners to travel into Ukraine to help fight off the Russian ‘invasion’. The inventive was full nationality for those who did. I also saw news about some foreigners heeding the call of President Zelensky. So some who wanted to help out will become Ukrainian citizens or what? (Someone should enlighten me on this). Does that mean when the war is over the colour of your skin wouldn't matter of what?

My question is, is this recent news about the maltreatment of non Ukrainians enough to dissuade some people from heading to Ukraine got help with the war effort or will the larger public just see it as the use of the media to project something that ultimately doesn't really affect the West’s position on the Russian ‘invasion’?

I think the more this conflict lasts, the more it'll improve or sway the positions of onlookers. The media...both mainstream and social media always has a huge role to play in shaping public opinion. Those best at using it most times end up as the victors in the longer run.


I'm not here to talk about politics nor am I here to legitimise or condemn Russia’s ‘invasion’ but to talk about a hint of racism and how the media can weaponized to soothe the needs and intentions of those who wield it.

War is expensive, peace is priceless...choose peace.


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