Speak It Forth - Faith Kind.


Faith is incomplete without a life that is constantly speaking. One of the many proofs that a man has faith in God is when he starts to constantly speak what he believes - putting it into words; God's Word. You can have what you say and we saw that when Jesus spoke to the tree when he was hungry. He said no man would eat from that fig tree again. The Bible told us that tree started drying up from the roots.

Speak it forth and in fact it's okay when you let someone hear it too so they can be a witness to it. Don't speak it forth out of being pumpous but in faith so that when it manifests, others can know that you have said it. When Jesus spoke to the fig tree, the Bible told us that the disciples heard it.

There are some things we can have when we speak them forth. God spoke. He didn't just think about it in His mind but He spoke. Sometimes we usually say God listens to our heart, yes, He listens to our heart but there is a place for speaking up. The Bible said before we call He will answer us, yes, and it further said while you are still speaking, He will hear. It means there is a place for speaking.

We can address situations in our lives by speaking positivity backed up by faith into those situations. You cannot speak to a mountain you have never identified as a mountain. There are things in your life that looks unattainable and impossible, identify them and start speaking them into reality. Don't forget you also have a part to play. You can call on God in the middle of the storm but don't forget to keep rowing to the shore.


We don't understand the power of our words. Our normal words on its own has power, now we can imagine our words backed up by faith. You can't have it more than you say it. In the natural, even nothing move without words how much more in the supernatural? When you want to speak to someone, do you speak to them in your mind or through your words? Whatever you are calling is coming, so be careful about the things you are calling.

Let your words override the signs that you are seeing. Sometimes we declare the words and still we see the manifestation of those things still lingering. That's where most people lose faith because the reality of what they are seeing is going against the words they have spoken. You just have to believe that your words have power and it would manifest regardless of the contrasting evidences you are seeing around.

There is nothing you cannot speak against. When you are dealing with doubts, you can speak against doubts. As you speak to create, you can also speak to cancel. We need to believe we can have it even before we ask God for it. God told us to believe we can have it and that's how faith works. Faith defies reality because you have to see yourself having what you haven't had to be able to have it. You cannot feature in a future that you cannot picture. It is not right to come before God without a desire in your heart.

First, receive it, believe it and wait till the next morning just as the case with the fig tree. The morning for some can be instant and for some it might take years but tarry. Don't let your faith wear out.

You need to work out your faith. You don't go into the Gym and expect to have all the biceps in a day. It takes time and yes, the results of your faith would take time too, till you master it. It is about staying consistent even when you haven't seen the results yet. It takes discipline to make your faith produce results. No man get to that level of faith without discipline. Most people want to speak now and expect to have it now. Expectations are good but you also have to work with the timing of God. Have that faith that it will come and don't stop believing it would.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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