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Forgiveness - There's More To Forgiving

It's not easy to forgive!
I can't forgive you!
It's hard to forget what you did to me!
I don't think I can ever forgive you!

We hear people say these words, some in tears while some with some kind of conviction. Firstly, I'll say no human has the power to say another human is unforgivable except the Almighty says so and of course we don't know the heart of the Almighty. So with that in mind, I'll say every one of us deserves to be forgiven if we ask for forgiveness.

It's not easy to forgive someone who hurt us especially when the hurt comes from someone very dear but we've got to forgive because there's more to forgiving.

Forgiving Is Not A Weakness


Saying "I can't forgive you" shows that you're telling the person "I'm a weak person" no matter how strong you may have been. Yeah, forgiving someone who has hurt you shows how strong and brave you are or becoming. If you've forgiven someone before, you would get to understand how it's a strength and not a bit of weakness at all.

At the time of forgiving someone, people may see you like a weak person but guess what! They are the weak ones because you are doing what they think they would never do - Forgiving some kind of hurt, not everybody gets to that stage and forgives.

I totally agree with the view that one can forgive but should never forget, it's called being wise. Only a naive person would forgive and forget, is it possible to forgive? I guess it is. The truth is, we've got to accept the world we live in. People may ask for forgiveness and not truly repent, forgiving them and forgetting what they did to you isn't being wise at all. You would never know what would hit you on the long run.

A woman got married to a gentle man who seems caring and loving but it all changed when he gave her a slap over a little argument. She got a sign of violence in marriage at that point but she forgave the man because he pleaded on his knees. They got back to being all loving and happy but it didn't last long before he gave the woman a heavy beating for not preparing dinner early. She cried so hard but forgave the man after pleading. At this time, he promised never to hit her again. She decided to forget their past and move on. A few months later, the man beat the woman to death out of anger and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

You could imagine the turn out of things because she decided to be so naive about her situation. You can always forgive but never forget what happened and find ways to avoid such situations even if it means taking a big step. The woman would have been alive and healthy if she had forgiven the man and avoided the situation but she didn't.

Asking For Forgiveness Is Not Foolishness


Another aspect of forgiveness is asking for it. Many find it hard to ask for forgiveness when they know they did something wrong or hurt someone. Some would say to ask for forgiveness is lack of pride and others would say it's foolishness but believe it when I say it's a wise thing to do.

Asking for forgiveness shows humility, an attribute of a wise person. In fact, feigning innocent in something you know you did wrong is foolishness. Not facing your mistakes and wrongs is foolishness. Accepting punishment for what you did wrong is a wise decision to changing you.

I've heard someone say "I've never said the word Sorry before" is that something to boast of? It is almost impossible to not have wronged anyone in one's life, why act unconscious about such and neglect asking for forgiveness? The less enemies, more progress - Saying sorry whenever wrong reduces the amount of enemies you have, it's funny but true.

So what I'm saying in essence is that:

  • Forgive, it's not weakness
  • Forgive, don't forget
  • Ask for forgiveness, it's not foolishness

Thanks for reading!!!

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