A New Age Celebration With Gratitude And Reflection.

I woke up feeling excited today but it wasn't the usual excitement because instead of jumping online to check my inbox and reply to several birthday messages waiting for me, I decided to stay a little longer in bed.

I heard my mom clearly asking if my siblings had seen me but they said no. I heard her footsteps and quickly covered myself pretending to still be asleep. She came into my room and saw me covered up, she gently removed the blanket from my face and touched my forehead.

My birthday picture

She sat by the bedside and started praying for me. I couldn't pretend for long because my eyes were filled with tears already and I had to let them flow. The prayers were emotional and I couldn't bless God enough for how far he had brought not just me but my family as well.

I hugged Mom and we were stuck for a while, she persuaded me not to cry but it was just impossible.

I couldn't stop thinking about so many things and I feel grateful to Almighty God for many things. Just earlier this year, I did my convocation and I still haven't gotten over the feeling of accomplishment even though I know the journey ahead is still very tedious.

I am a girl who loves to dream a lot, I have a lot of things I wanted to accomplish before today's celebration and I was able to do some while a few are yet to be accomplished. Despite the dreams I couldn't accomplish, I am still filled with gratitude. It's okay to look back and still feel bad because we are humans but while looking forward, I take my time to look backwards as well. It's easier to say I didn't do this and that but any of this wouldn't have been possible without the gift of life.

Being alive is a gift of assurance that the dreams yet to be fulfilled will definitely be accomplished someday.

For the first time, I evaluated the progress I have made in the last 365 days and it was awesome. I had a lot of blessings to count and Hive is one of them even though I am still lagging with my engagement for many reasons.

In the last 365 days, I have concentrated more on myself and committed myself more to bringing more of my dreams to reality. I learned a long time ago that the journey doesn't get easier and I have prepared myself ahead by empowering myself with skills.

I once shared about my training as an event planner and my graduation is coming soon as well, it would be a plus for me this year. 2024 started pretty well and I believe that my next birthday would come with lots of gratitude since I intend to do more for myself than I have done in the last 365 days.

My day went pretty well and I want to say a happy birthday to myself again. Thanks to everyone who has made my day special so far, I love you all.

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