Past glory energizes

Greetings People!🙌

I've read and heard a lot of sermons and motivational talks telling us not to settle on past glory because it is merely celebrating what has passed and has no way to affect what is to come. They even said that settling with past wins get one stagnated.

Well, everyone has their own point and ideas on how life works for them, but as for me, I see past glory as a platform to conquer more because if I did it before, I can do it again.

Image is mine

We know the religious story of David when he confronted and killed Goliath. One of the boosters David used to confront Goliath was his past glory; he said, since he had torn the mouth of a tiger with his bare hands, what could stop him from pulling down Goliath?. We know how the story ended.
Reflecting on last glory has a way of infusing into one's being to do more breakthroughs, it energizes

Let me highlight some of the simple ways I've been applying this.

Conquering writer's block;

Although I don't experience writer's block as often as others do, mine is somehow funny because it comes in the middle of the writing, hence making it tough for me to expand the article to the required number of words. The first instances I experienced this, I struggled so hard to finish up the article.

Because I've conquered this experience oftentimes, whenever it shows itself and wants to make me give up on completing the article, I reflect on how I was able to conquer that before, and that feeling will keep me finishing up, because why should I give up on something I've done before?


The truth is that, we've all experienced heartbreak or being rejected by someone we treasure so well, and at those moments, we thought we'd not be able to survive the hurt, but somehow we scaled through.

Anytime I find myself in such a condition or heartbreak and find it hard to let go, I will reflect on how I scaled through in my previous situation, and yes, the thought will boost me up, and before I know it, I'm already up, laughing at the situation.

I hope these two examples get you to understand it better

Thank you for reading

This is my entry to #dreemport challenge

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