The Three Ps of Success. Do I Live With These Three Ps

April 13, 2024

The Three Ps of Success. Do I Live With These Three Ps

Napoleon Hill said:

"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."

The way I see it this formula is best observed in the competetive sports.

Those who excel in their sport are those who dedicate countless hours, practicing... honing their skill. Even if and when they encounter some problems or obstacles they don't stop. They continue.

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These words are not just applicable in sports though. These three P's are the keys to success in any endeavor.

The Three P's

That's the question. Do I live with these three P's. Let me see...

  1. Patience: I believe I am considerable a patient person. But am I patient enough to finish the things that I need to do to achieve success?
  2. Persistence: To be persistent means to persevere. This means countinously doing something again and again. To presist means to be consistent.
    I admit this is what I lack. I work on one thing one then stop.
  3. Perspiration: Do I exert enough effort? I guess, without one of the two, I would not persist enough to exert enough effort to work out a sweat.

Reflections: Do I Have What It Takes?

No I started to wonder. Why I fail to achieve some of my goals? What do I lack?

If I want to walk a total of 30 KM per week, then I need to walk at least 3 times a week for 10 KM each. Or find an alternative routine that wll lead me to what I desire... to burn my belly fat!

If I want to earn more using my digital illustrations skills, I have to keep on creating new ones and publish them on different platforms and accept commisions for my works.

To cut this short, I have to develop all the three P's within me, Patience, Persistence and Perspiration if I want to achieve success.

In Closing

Whatever our goals are, if we develop and live with these three P's, then we have the keys to open the door to success!

May all our dreams come true.

Thanks for reading!

Post No. 2024-31
Date Posted: April 13, 2024.
All image are mine unless otherwise indicated.
* The cover image used is from Pixabay and modified using Canva
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