Dreeming Into Fruition II

I kind of felt weird at first about how the dreems I’d talked about in the previous challenge. Maybe it was because it seemed a bit shallow compared to the vast dreams a lot of people had. But I immediately corrected myself on that thought. Because the fact that people’s dreems are wider doesn’t make the one I have any less genuine, neither does it mean that I don’t want to actualize my dreems with the same intensity as others.

So, I cautioned myself to always believe in the validity of my dreems as that’s the first step to it being fulfilled. Believing in my dreems and from there, working towards it being realized. My dreems as I stated are simple. A space of my own. An actual space to make my deepest thoughts come true. My Dreem Space is to be my haven. A place where I’ll feel the most safe.

Since I’d already elaborated on it previously, I wouldn’t want to delve deep into it anymore but instead, I’d just say that I’m particular about this Dreem space, because, to me, it’s an investment to bigger dreems. An investment into their actualization because then I’d be in my ideal place to build bigger worlds that I want to inhabit. With my mind and my hands. But I know that it will always remain a dreem if I don’t use the specific tools to unlock the door to this dreem.

The first one would be to stop procrastinating. This is a necessary tool and I’ll explain why. Recently, I lost an opportunity that would have started the process of opening the door to my dreem. It was extra devastating missing out on this opportunity since it was self-inflicted. I heard about the opportunity pretty early, and in all modesty even though it was not in my hands, I still think that I had a pretty good chance of securing it.

But because I kept thinking that I had it all covered, and would beat the deadline since I had a two-month interval but time kept drawing nearer till it was completely out of my hands and saw that opportunity slip through my fingers. I tried not to beat myself up about it but at the same time, I kept remembering that excerpt from a book I love that says, “.....this minute is passing. And you’ll never have it again.”

My minute passed, and though I know there’d be other chances, bigger opportunities, this one would always be gone. So I’m going to actively try to ensure that I don’t procrastinate any longer and ensure I’m accountable for my minutes. So that I’d never miss one this valuable again.

The next one would be to actively search for opportunities. To seize the bull by the horns and go all out to search for opportunities that are in line with my skills. I believe that a lot of us have things we may not even rate in ourselves that people are looking for. And I’m no exception. I think I have a lot to offer. I may not have all the experience but I work hard to make sure that I’m knowledgeable in my fields.

But no one would see that if I kept hiding my lamp under a bushel(forgive my Biblical allusion). But yeah, if I have talents and resort to keeping them to myself, that’s all there would ever be. Just talents. And I like to believe that we were given talents so that we’d use them to solve our needs and to create more for us. If I’m going to get that Dreem space of mine, it’s going to need money. And money doesn’t fall from the sky. Money comes from hard work and exposition and then favour. So I’d expose the things I can do so that I’d give room for that favour to locate me and this will be done by searching for these opportunities.

And the last thing I need to work towards my Dreem space is to be more specific about my priorities. Be more specific about the things I need right now. Be more specific about my circle of friends and the people I need in my life at this moment. Not people who would stomp on my dreams with their words but people who even though may not have the resources to assist me in building my Dreem space, they are at least supportive and cheer me along the way.

Being more specific about God and His importance in making my dreems come true is also paramount. Because at the end of the day, direction on what to do and the steps to take would come from him and if we’re not on good terms, I mean, what exactly would I do, you know? It takes courage but it would always pay in the end.

So these priorities would shape my dreems into fruition and I can bet everything on it that if I work closely with the things I’ve laid down, my dreems wouldn’t be so far from my reach. I would always believe in them cause I’m working actively towards achieving them. And I hope you are too. With whatever it is you’re dreeming about.


Image created with NightCafe Studio.

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