Thinny road of paradise in the hell

Life is the most uncertain thing that exists in this world and there is no guarantee of life and anytime anything can happen. Nobody knows when will be their last moment. Not me, not you, and not even the president or the most powerful person in the world. Every living creature will die for sure and this is the law of nature and nobody has the power to go against it. Because of science many developments have already occurred but there is no technology that can delay death.

It's the new year and everyone starts the new year with hope and expecting something positive will happen. It's the nature of humans to think positively which is one kind of blessing. I am saying it is a blessing because if we would think about our uncertain life every time we might not be able to enjoy our day how we can in the current time. Somehow a balance exists everywhere and that's good for our life. Isn't it?

In life, everything doesn't happen how we want. It doesn't matter how much good planner we are. My 31st night and new year day were spent in hospitals. It was totally unexpected for me and I was not ready for it. So uncertainty strikes. Who knew that my relatives would be sick at that time? Who knew that I needed to stay in the hospital? It was totally unpredictable.

It says that a hospital is a place where babies baby welcomed in this world and it's the place where many people die. So for some people, it's like hell, and for some people, it's like paradise. But according to my observation, most of the people go to hospital because of their sufferings and pains and most of the people consider the hospital like hell. Although I have experienced of seeing death in a hospital but this time I saw a different incident which I had never seen in the past.

It was the time approximately 12.15-12.45 a.m of the new year. I was free at that time and so I went to the upper stairs where was a huge window through which I could see almost a good amount of area. I went there to see the fireworks of the new year because I love to see fireworks. I was enjoying the fireworks from the window. I was a little bit upset thinking that I was spending my new year day in the hospital and I never wanted it anytime.

All of a sudden I heard the sound of crying of some people on the floor. So I went there to check what happened there. I was able to know that one woman died at that time. I felt very sad when I found out that that woman had given birth to her son before her death. In the new year, a newborn baby arrived in this new world which is very good news but the newborn baby lost his mother after his birth which is the bad news. Overall it made all the family members sad and they were almost clueless about what to do. I was just thinking about what would happen with the newborn baby.

Everyone was busy in celebration of the new year in the hospital I realised the situation was totally opposite for the family. That family received the good news of the baby but the news of death made them sad and It was a harsh reality I saw on new year day. That was the reason I said my new year was not started well in one of my posts. It was supposed to be a very happy moment if the mother was alive.

I don't know if I could organize my thoughts well because somehow that incident still makes me sad and a little bit disturbed. Don't know why I am thinking today about the little kid whom I have never seen.

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