We all will be fine

It’s funny how when I was a child I’d always pray to grow up so fast, I’d throw tantrums, and I’d always make it clear to my family that I wasn’t a child anymore that I was an adult and should be treated as one. Fast forward to today, Ibbtammy is now an adult😂😂 an adult who is in charge of her future and is responsible for herself, is she thrilled? Lol, not anymore.

Adulthood is amazing quite alright but the responsibilities that come with it are overwhelming. I think this whole adulthood thingy should be taught in high schools as a subject, a subject that you get to learn until you graduate high school as a lot of us are so excited to get into adulthood and we eventually end up struggling with it.

We’ve been taught a bunch of subjects that we have no use for to date and the one thing we are stuck with for life aren’t taught extensively.

At this point in my life if I had the opportunity to surrender this adulthood title and be my father’s little princess again I would do that without batting an eyelid. I’d sincerely love to take a break and continue when I am mentally prepared again.

Lately, I have been so frustrated, and I’ve been thinking too much, I guess the hike in the price of commodities is beginning to get to me. You know that moment when the random things you can get without thinking twice slowly begins to feel like luxury? And you just can't help but feel a certain kind of way.

I had written about the economic state of my country a month ago but right now it's worse than before. You go to the market today and by tomorrow you'd be amazed at how the price of the item you bought the previous day magically increased. Lately, I have been spending more hours in the market, moving from one store to another bargaining and comparing prices, and at the end of the day, you'd discover that the market feels like a cult where these sellers have taken an oath to sell at the same price no matter what and your journey feels like a total waste of time as you would have to painstakingly buy at the said amount eventually.

It's so scary that nothing is spared in all of these, every sector is affected. Even the drugs people buy to stay healthy are now expensive. The motto over here is "Buy today or squeeze your face and buy tomorrow", This simply means that if you don't buy it at all costs today just get ready for the new price tomorrow as prices go up while people are asleep!

The crazy thing about things going up is that they never come down neither do their sizes increase, they just keep going up nonstop, and as consumers, there is nothing we can do other than learn to adapt to it. I remember the other day, I had to buy a beverage and discovered that the quantity within the sachet had drastically reduced, but it wasn't indicated on the sachet, it still had the same “500 grams” displayed as before, and I couldn't help but wonder what our fate is. How can one keep adapting to such awful things?

Each time I feel this way I can't help but also feel bad for people with so many children. I stay alone and I know how I am greatly affected by this economic crisis how much more people with large families, how do they cope? How do they survive?

Due to the hardship over here, criminal activities have increased thereby making citizens not just suffering and crying for help but also scared for their safety.

I pray things get back to normal, and I pray a miracle happens, a miracle that will change everything currently happening but until then we’ll be right here living and trying to survive every single day.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

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Loads of Love🥰🥰

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